Already forgotten

>already forgotten

Attached: Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak.jpg (1474x1000, 491.6K)

? take your meds

>already forgotten

Attached: forgotten.png (679x278, 123.75K)


Nice schizo thread
Also I just bought the game again after selling it almost a year ago (for cheaper than what I had sold it)

Bump up the thread

I got this game because of the hype. how do you stay interested after killing the same monsters?

It's literally one of the worst entries in the series you could have picked


do the others have more variety? because yeah this kinda sucks.

based on what criterion exactly?


let me guess, you think dos was peak MH

More variety and honest gameplay

sunbreak, like rise, lacks content and challenge, the end game approach for this entry consists of Muslim monsters with almost a million HP that explode every 5 minutes for some reason, they do not have diferent moves as their regular counterparts so after killing them 2 or 3 times you find yourself hating it.

Let me guess you only know about dos from youtube "reviews"

Bought Sunbreak because of all the Any Forums hype and I feel disappointed. I'd return it but I'm already past 2 hours on Steam. Does it get better?

>he fell for the /vg/ nintentrannies glass flagging
you deserve it and no, it doesn't get better

People are done with the game and moved on to other stuff
Sorry they don't have an autistic obsession like you OP

Best game in the series, good luck with you depression.

>imagine playing this on a shitch
Thank god for the crypto crash

Attached: pcbaby.jpg (3840x2160, 1.68M)

how was armour/weapon variety at end game once they released all the event quests in base rise? was it like worldborne where the new shit was just super OP compared to what was originally in the game? hoping sunbreak doesn't end up that way.

doa if they dont follow iceborne baka senpai

how can it be doa if they don't do something in the future?
but yeah i geuss its true normies won't keep playing if they can't just continuously get new busted shit. makes replaying the games years later less fun knowing all the set building you're doing mid game is completely fucking useless once you get to a certain monster.