By buying a steam deck you are indirectly betraying and sabotaging Nintendo by buying a competitors handheld gaming...

By buying a steam deck you are indirectly betraying and sabotaging Nintendo by buying a competitors handheld gaming console. Nintendo deserves this market. They have been in the handheld market since the 90's and their games are MADE for handheld console gaming.

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I don't want a Steam deck and I own a Switch but you're retarded. Maybe Nintendo will stop making underpowered hardware. They were always behind one gen since the Wii, which was acceptable. The Wii U an Switch had about the same power though, so now they're behind two gens.
I'm tired of playing Zelda at 900p 30 FPS with frame drops.

I'll buy an AYN handheld and betray both steam and nintendo

Is this bait?

i miss the comfy deck thread already

The deck thread was NOT comfy!!


for a certain audience who just wants to play multiplats and indies in a handheld, and they don't care that much about Nintendo's exclusives, the Deck has beat that use for the platform to them, the Switch has done that thing the Vita wanted to do but failed that was to allow people to play console type games on the go, however people had to constantly ask for ports of games and hope publishers/devs did it, now with a more affordable handheld PC, they can just play that on the Deck instead

Nier Automata is coming to the Switch "later this year" according to Squeenix, but you could already play that on the Deck rather well, so if you don't care bing bing wahoo too badly, the Deck just allows people to play more of the multiplats on the go without having to wait for ports

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Is part of the reason why nintendies are so mad is because pc chads got an actually powerful handheld with custom amd hardware when the switch uses 5 year old phone hardware that was already outdated?

Start a new one then.

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I used the switch for probably 6 months, I found it to be dull after that point and then every game for it that wasn't some indie game was wildly expensive. I had a fun time with BoTW it was the major draw for me initially picking it up, mario odyssey was underwhelming and I expected it to be better. Dropped using it for ages then animal crossing was released and it was good but grindy at the start and put me off a while after that, I tried out my first JRPG with xenoblade 2 and immediately disliked it, partly the accents in the English VAs it but I won't blame the switch more my taste in JRPGs for that.
But after that everything was a remake or a port of something I already had or indies for twice the price of what I could get on steam. Each 1st party game was like $70 too with few ever going on sale. I bet BoTW is still that price today on their store despite it being years old now.
Probably just gonna get BoTW and animal crossing on Yuzu when I get a hold of my steam deck.

Valve isn't the only game in town

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>Thinking a company is your friend and deserves your support

botw runs better on cemu btw

>buaa buaa this market belongs to nintendo buaa!
wtf kinda of take is this? are you 12 or what?
fucking kys you absolute corporate drone, trash npc

Deckchads it just feels so good to game on it. it works great in dektop mode for desktop games, i never had such high graphics at high and stable fps
am i a real pc gaymer now?

HAHAHA looks like crap


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what you mean are you a linux user or something

>Nintendo deserves this market. They have been in the handheld market since the 90's

they were already outperformed by the sega gamegear during that time, psp in the 2000s, mobile in 2010s, and now the steam deck