How come Star Wars games don't feature more aliens as possible protagonists?

How come Star Wars games don't feature more aliens as possible protagonists?

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For me, it's Rodians

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Current IP holders are xenophobes. How many aliens you remember seeing in the new trilogy?

They're not relatable.


I want to play as one of these niggas

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Sex with cute pre-filoni chiss girls.

Not one single protagonist I've played is relatable to me. Just because they look like human doesn't mean shit.

TOR has you covered user

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SWTOR is shit too. Shit story for most classes, shit expansions and shit gameplay.

>Shit story for most classes
Nah most were pretty good, you're right about the xpacs and gameplay though, being a 1:1 wow clone wasnt a grand idea

Lmao owned

The problem with a Star Wars MMO that focuses mostly on lightsaber combat is that it's never going to be satisfying to play, because at the end of the day you're hammering on someone repeatedly with a lightsaber and nothing happens until the the health bar goes to 0.

Oh so that was a joke. Good one.

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Thats only really an issue if you dont like RPGs, Kotor was exactly the same

The body type slider, yeah.
I agree with you on most points, but that post was funny.
Anyway, I think Jedi Academy had decent choices, but it's like 18 years old now.

most people disagree

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Nobody wants to look at Plow Coon for an entire game, user.

I do. Get dabbed on, bruh.

They could make it a masked character. Those are kind of the staple of SW at this point.

i'm convinced that focus groups are specifically chosen from the most retarded shit smeared normalfags on the planet.

>How many aliens you remember seeing in the new trilogy?
more than in the originals and prequels

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Not bad. They were in the background where you could barely see them I'm guessing.