Fuck seamless coop. I demand change now

Fuck seamless coop. I demand change now.

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invading violates the NAP

The pvp in this game is garbage, there's no such thing as a random invasion anymore. You know it's coming after you use the remedy. So as an invader 90% of your invasions are gonna be ganks. This mod only exists because the current systems are flawed af

Based Bamco making PvPtrannies seethe.

Seamless coop is excellent and it's one of the best experiences I've had with my friends. Losing out on invasions I was neutral on because I can count on one hand the number of fun invasions I had in one hand in the three hundred hours I played before the mod.

I never cared if we won or lost but when every invader is a passive, escapist rat with mask/dualnaga or some guy with a net build with bhs or some other shit, it just gets tiresome. I'm not looking to deal with an invader for forty minutes because they keep running away if they get hit or waiting for us to get out of position so his one-shot shit actually does something. If I wanted to deal with meta shit, I'd be fighting it in duels. Whine about me being a scrub, I don't care Elden Ring pvp is one of the worst in series due to the balance and I've just grown to ignore all the cookie-cutter players with the same three weapons and the same passive playstyle with running pokes.


>Flawed systems and metafags ruin invasions for everyone
>mfw I just want to invade with my funny, inefficient meme cosplays to make people happy

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Thanks for reminding me about that mod. I'm installing it right now.

Weapons were gutted thanks to pvpfags so this mod and butthurt that ensued is kinda sweet

>play the game after several weeks yesterday
>get summoned like 1 time every 5 mins near maliketh, godfrey, apostle duo, etc

its worse for co-op fags like me, the game feels empty now

You can thank the needlessly large world for that problem too.
You can’t seriously expect populations to stay concentrated when there’s about a million places you can fuck off to both above and below ground, all while players operate at wildly different levels when they reach new areas.
New game + doesn’t offer any new rewards so there isn’t a reason to play ng+ players just one and some the whole thing and that’s exactly the kind of crowd Fromsoft snuffed their hardcore base for.

I think most people just stick to seamless with friends and the game is so large that there's just too many places for even a large population of players. Even Dark Souls at its peak would be lolsummoning if it was plopped into ER.

>New game + doesn’t offer any new rewards so there isn’t a reason to play ng+ players just one and some the whole thing and that’s exactly the kind of crowd Fromsoft snuffed their hardcore base for

Outside of Dark Souls 2 and maybe DeS there isn't a reason to play NG+ in any of the series. At best you have a new boss weapon to play with, but it's pretty much just the same go through the game with your end build shit that From will forever go to.

Lol. Oh no sweaty. Not like this lol


Invasions were a better concept in the pre Elden Ring souls games because of the smaller, more enclosed spaces. Elden Ring's should have had seamless co-op since the start.

>big co-op fag
>loved playing through the game just dropping my sign everywhere
>love helping people get through levels, fight big enemies, bosses, find secrets, etc etc.
>love PvP and helping newbie hosts fight off invaders
>love dropping people gifts and showing off weird builds
>months go on, the player base dwindles as people beat the game
>this mod comes out
>get summoned once every 20-30 minutes and only outside of fogwalls for boss fights

Thanks LukeYui, for killing the PC Multiplayer scene on all 3 souls games AND Elden ring you FAGGOT

Fuck off and seethe reddit retard

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keep crying, troon

what the fuck is this word

Souls has never been PvP oriented
and they removed invasions

stop trying to force multiplayer on this game, it makes the whole experience worse when they try to cater to you retarda

this kind of shit is why I'm never touching a souls game, you niggers are way too fucking prententious, you're basically competing with kojima drones

I just like to chill and play coop videogames with my sister, fuck you