"I am the most enlightened Fallout character there are youtube videos of me talking with millions of views"

>"I am the most enlightened Fallout character there are youtube videos of me talking with millions of views"
>this is how he checks if a gun is loaded

Fuck off lol

Attached: joshua graham crackers which i assume he eats while drooling because hes a fucking retard.jpg (779x804, 77.97K)

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Tell me you're gun illiterate without telling me you're gun illiterate. He's cleaning the guns and assembling parts. Also he helped many find their religion. Pretty based for a mormon character in gaming I'd say.

>staring down the barrel of a gun with the slide back and hammer cocked is how you tell if there's a bullet in the chamber

Attached: 1643167961956.jpg (1024x664, 77.74K)

>helped many find their religion
That's like saying a mass murderer helped his victims with their retirement plans

shut the FUCK up, nogunz

He's not checking if there's a bullet you dumb cunt, every magazine he removes in that animation cycle is empty and every time he racks the slide a round or casing is never ejected. The animation isnt expressing him checking for a bullet, he's servicing the 1911's and checking if the barrel is clean and free of debris.

Welcome migrant, please continue to check if your guns are loaded by cocking them and pointing the muzzle directly at your face.

Attached: 1646025905280.png (999x618, 90.37K)

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1531930289035.png (477x477, 597.01K)

Reminder that Latter Day Saints are a cult and should be shamed both irl and in video games. Just because they believe in the same god as you doesn't make them harmless or less evil.

He's a fucking fag and I enjoy torturing him every time I do that DLC

Attached: acute spinal injury.png (1360x768, 1.69M)

>exterminating shitskins
yeah no

you stupid ignant son of a bitch

Okay but joking aside. If there is no magazine and no round in the chamber, it's entirely save to look down the barrel of a gun. Firearms are deadly weapons but let's not treat them with superstitious levels of caution.

>check if your guns are loaded
You can't be this fucking stupid.

Attached: CphAp5xVYAQ09gX.jpg (750x483, 41.75K)

uplifting, and I can do that too without being a hypocritical crybaby bitch

Attached: FUCK JOSHUA GRAHAM.png (1360x768, 2M)

It would be very hard to shoot yourself with a disassembled gun. Handling a bullet would be more dangerous.

>If there is no magazine and no round in the chamber, it's entirely save to look down the barrel of a gun
It's literally never safe to look down the barrel of a gun and you should never point it at anything you don't intend to kill. If you want to check if the barrel is empty or clean you can look down through the hole racking the slide creates. I'm not going to be called nogunz by somebody who would literally kill themselves if presented one and admits that.

That isnt what hes doing retard, hes holding the slide open after he ejects the mag, hes looking to see if the barrels clean and undamaged or if there are any obstructions.

Enlighten us on what happens to a bullet when you have no magazine and the slide is pulled back, where does that last potential bullet go?

You don't check a gun for obstructions by pointing the muzzle at your head.

Attached: 1643381893752.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

Yes yes, and once you've confirmed there's no magazine or round, it's safe to look down the barrel because it has no way of injuring you.

Have you literally never disassembled and cleaned your guns?

The slide is open. He can see there is no bullet in the chamber. It's fine. You don't have to die on this hill.

You are gun illiterate, if theres a barrel isolated from a lower reciever youd shit your pants if it was pointed at you.

You are so fucking stupid its unreal, you dont have to fully dissassemble a pistol just to look down the barrel. Youre the same dumbass who thought he was checking to see if its loaded, when the mags out and the slides pulled back in the op image.

Racks it, ejects the mag, checks the chamber, and then turns the barrel arround after seeing the chamber is clear to inspect for debris. if you ever owned a gun that's kinda what you do when cleaning/checking it out.