What's the purpose of having different difficulty options for different regions?

What's the purpose of having different difficulty options for different regions?

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Is this Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn?

Westoids can't handle re4

wh*Tes suck at games

localizing publisher might feel that their market is less tolerant to difficulty, or might be trying to aim the game at a younger demographic.
or in the case of 90s american importers, games were made harder so they couldn't be beaten over a single weekend rental.

The opposite. Easy mode was a japanese exclusive for a lot of time. And maniac mode doesn't exist in any version.

No, Scrabble.

Pure blind elitism. Japs get rekt by western in vidya all the time.

Japoids can't handle chainsaw decapitation

I, too, remember smashbabbies got butthurt just recently because a single 15 year old jap kid wrecked their gaymer idol so bad that they wanted to ban the character the kid played

>user gets triggered he posts twice

I don't agree with its removal, but it got removed because it sucks, which it does
t. completed Maniac Mode FE9 twice
Japs fucking hated it

Attached: file.png (607x161, 21.47K)

get good

I never said it was difficult, its just badly designed and not very fun to play
That being said, PoR's design as a whole isn't particularly good on any mode, Maniac just exacerbates it

japan wants to sell a game to its niche, that was made for its niche and because they wanted to make it that way, without sacrificing that. the west wants to sell to as many people as possible with no desire to keep any integrity or design if it lowers that amount even the tiniest bit. they are concerned with only money and nothing else

iirc dmc3 had its difficulty adjusted because the west complained about dmc2 being too easy

DMC2 is too easy, because the guns are overpowered and are way safer to use without risking your own health.

Japs are DEX based people
Western Whites are STR based humans

To reduce the amount of whining from the west about "accessibility options".
As you can see with Elden Ring, it's not working.

Clash is kino

lol, story?