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Sega Game Gear looking ass

I am canceling my preorder NOW

works on my machine

this is what happens with NIGGERS

Fuck V*lve

his fault for having an active life style.

cool maybe don't sit on it next time, you fucking fat-ass

Not my problem

>playing games outside your house
Deserved. Nincels should die for starting this meme

Exactly. These kinds of posts dont mean anything without context and the fact that its missing is telling. You can post a picture of a solid fucking titanium block thats in pieces with an LOL and dumbasses will gather around and cheer like it means the metal is weak or some shit.

>tendies so unhinged that they've infiltrated fedex to intentionally destroy the competition
holy shit

who said the deck is weak? stuff being tossed around and roughly handled during shipping is a thing that happens, you big dumb

No. I’m not buying a Steam Deck because I don’t give money to known scammers.

Valve screwed over the Artifact fanbase by cancelling the Artifact 2.0 beta without even allowing users to invite friends like they said they would in January and does not deserve your financial support for these gross consumer-unfriendly practices.


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>pull back cover off of gabe boy
>chip a small sliver of plastic off during the process
a-at least i still managed to install my upgraded ssd

Attached: 1483035953882.jpg (600x660, 64.88K)


>pull back cover off of gabe boy
>SD card shreds in half
at least i can fuck my chinese wife

Attached: 1645213402823.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

Nintendium wins again


should've taken the vax baka