Why are the killers SO FUCKING UNFUN TO PLAY AS?

Why are the killers SO FUCKING UNFUN TO PLAY AS?

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NetEase bros we fucking won.

survivor players constantly crying to devs so they get babied all the time
simple as

at least they're hot right?

Playing killer is mentally exhausting compared to how braindead survivor can be play.

Because developers balance around the crying survivor players that bitch whenever they can't abuse meta stuff. Fun for the killer can only be getting one successful hook or downing people.

has the game improved much in the last 2 years? I uninstalled after the resident evil patch, but saw they are changing a bunch of meta perks soon so I was thinking about reinstalling

this + there's 4 survivors and only 1 killer per game so they get to complain 4x as much

>Dude, when they change the perks, the game will stop being shit, i swear!!!

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Artist thighs...

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Canadian devs

it will at least make it a little more entertaining since it wont be everyone using the same 4-6 perks in every single match over and over

>it will at least make it a little more entertaining since it wont be everyone using the same 4-6 perks in every single match over and over

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in order to enjoy playing killer you have to literally tap into your inner serial killer, sadist, torturer because holy shit survivors are annoying as fuck but damn it feels good when you finally catch them and kill them all. if you dont get even a slight chubby while playing killer then it just isnt for you

>it will at least make it a little more entertaining since it wont be everyone using the same 4-6 perks in every single match over and over

People will run whatever is meta no matter what

>playing trapper trying to just set traps near where I hook survivors and nearby loops
>two players disarm most of them and out play me which is fine, I suck as trapper
>call me a dick for placing so many traps near the hooks

what the fuck am I supposed to use the traps for then

It's only if it's a team working together via discord or some shit that it's a problem
killers in general are pretty fun to play as if you understand your goal isn't to kill all four players but to find the most annoying one and camp them

Most of the cancerous perks that let survivors or killers get away with murder are reworked significantly.

Deadhard no longer gives distance and is only a 1 second endurance tank.
Dstrike does not work when gates are powered and stuns for less.
Iron will is not complete silence anymore.
A shittier version of BT was made basekit (Only 5 seconds) but bt was buffed to compensate it.
Gens became 10 seconds longer
Kicking now reduces gen's current progress immdiately by 2.5% at base

For killer's cancer perks
NOED's totem is now steadily revealed to survivors in 30m range of it.
Corrupt stops when a survivor has been downed
Ruin stops when a survivor is killed.
Tinkerer only gets applied once per gen.
All the other anti-gen perks got nerfed slightly to account for gen progress.

Eventually they plan to give killer instant mori on the last survivor in arena if the survivor is downed.

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>NOED's totem is now steadily revealed to survivors in 30m range of it.
welp they killed noed lol

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I like to play insidious basement bubba now. It doesn't always work, but people inevitably get infuriated when I catch them. Even caught a streamer once who complained that I was wasting his time and ruining his content.