Why do Japanese games have universally better music than western games...

Why do Japanese games have universally better music than western games? Even the shittiest Japanese composers are downright comparable to the best the west has to offer.

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>what is an mp3 folder to put your own music
bootstraps user

The two reasons my peanut mind could think of immediately are
>Different countries have different music scenes
>Western devs have a preference for ebin movie music
Though it's not like jap games don't have their fair share of boring as fuck OSTs

music is the purest expression of the soul
westerners are inherently soulless

I think Western composers just view music as something that should be in the background, like how modern movie soundtracks often are, and so they don't jump out at you by design. They're just meant to set the tone without grabbing you.

because western devs stopped trying to make memorable soundtracks since like 7th gen

Japs focus on melody, western focus on ambience so it's mostly boring shit.

Also I hope no one prasies FFXII's music, most dull shit I've heard.

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Western games have music made like Hollywood movies. The music is totally unconnected to the rest of the game and it is all derrived from a handful of standard classic songs. Check out Spyro to see what a western soundtrack could be if they were made correctly.

Japanese perfectionism. They give it their all.

FF12 has amazing music, you're just uncultured.

Now that you mention it, I don't recall a single track from that game.

But I bet you do recall around 3 stand-out tracks from FFXIII as terrible as that game is.

Westerners all have marvel brain

So the Japanese companies can sell the soundtracks for more money, obviously.

i went to music school (a fucking mistake) about six years ago. early on they had a questionnaire for us, one section was for us to list our favorite composers from film/tv/games. i don't know nor care about film composers so i just listed a bunch of game composers i like, i can't remember specifics now but it probably was like koji kondo, yoko shimamura, etc. they also had some questions asking what we thought about various film composers, most of whom i'd never heard of beyond the super big names.

i have a meeting with some of the professors to go over my answers, and they seem genuinely concerned that all of my answers were japanese composers. i hadn't even thought about it, i just wrote the ones i genuinely liked. then they got on my case for not knowing who wrote the music for the last of us, which i played and don't remember a single fucking song from despite people wanking the game off. had this whole "you can't really like game music if you don't know jewish cocksucker wrote the music for the last of us!"

stupid fucking bullshit, dropped after a semester, no one i met there had a job beyond internships last time i checked (~2 years after graduating) so i probably dodged a bullet anyway

sounds too dumb to be real. What kind of professors give a shit about video game composers anyways?

professors who themselves didn't even have graduate degrees despite this being a master's program. was just more evidence that it was a waste of time. school was berklee college of music

I hate woke SJW culture shit but this sounds legit racist. It obviously wasn't about video games being lesser considering they were upset that you didn't know TLOU. It was purely because you listed Japanese names
If it really happened

sadly i wouldn't begin to know where to look for the paper to prove it at this point

It's ok, user. It's honestly not a story that surprises me in the slightest so I can definitely see it being true

The west has a Hollywood-style philosophy around game music which is to say it's not supposed to stand out and just add "dressing" to the atmosphere and pseudo-movie they are trying to make. Yes, it's a thing in Hollywood. Look it up.

I think you guys are just retarded weebs.


Ive never heard a good sountrack in a japanese video game except western songs in dmc.