Fallout 5 is going to be KINO

2031 can't come soon enough

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>Hire fans
Has this ever worked?

I never know how people can be bothered with the effort of doing shit like this. I have a software development degree and work as a software dev in the Pharma industry and I hate it. I only do it for the money. I have zero passion or interest and do bare minimum work to get paid.

Sonic Mania?

Are you talking about people modding games?

It's exclusively how game studios hired people before 2006

Hiring autists who do it for free instead of videogame degree kiddies works better than you could possibly believe

Programming is boring and tedious and annoying. Why do people do it in their free time if they aren't getting well paid for it?

because they are working on a game and being part of a franchise they love you IT cuck

Probably autism, same reason why these twitch speed runners are always a particular type of person

Nintendo when they hired ''that'' man

>Probably autism
Yes so many people I went to college with were like that. They were all such weirdos and refused to ever socialise or do anything other than study and play video games. I could never get any of them to come to pub or nightclubs or anything

This is also how video games have managed to maintain such low pay in exchange for such long hours.

I don't love anything

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Name 1 (ONE) example where they hired fans and you could see their contribution in the next game. These new people they hired that had cool ideas won't get to use them, they'll be cogs doing grunt work to shit out the next game which will be worse than the game before.

London is a third world shithole, who would want a Fallout game based there?

>he doesn't want to shoot the mutant pakies

What mutant anything, FEV was never invented there, let alone brought there.

Nearly every valve game after the original Half-Life worked like this.

The First half life Devs were doom modders

Well then there you go, even the OG Half-Life was hired modders.

Have zoomers just forgotten that modders get hired all the time?

They're zoomers so they probably don't know. Imagine if knowledge was just passed down through genetics

Yes but fans then used to be nerds and not just a bunch of trannies