What is next for them?

What is next for them?

Attached: file.png (512x512, 151.35K)

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Half-Life 2 UE5

Being cancelled for being too male and too white.

Attached: crowbarboyes.jpg (2465x893, 288.55K)


They said they wanna work on a new IP instead of remakes back in 2020. Don't know if they said anything else about that.

>Peak corner to check if there are enemies for 0.1 seconds
>Immediately get headshoted by a shotgunner at 50 miles distance


Rent free

is that one of their moms on the right?

She's only 31 you sick fuck.

A mobile game exclusive to iOS.

I thought they were doing opposing force and blue shift. Or is that tripmine studio I'm thinking of?

These are different devs and just regular mods.

probably nothing if not they're working on they hunger remake in black mesa if that is even a thing anymore

Ah, so this is why Black Mesa was good. I just finished the game after buying it on the Steam Summer Sale. I never bothered with the Half Life series before now lol.

It might be cool if they developed some independent Unreal-like AA title that lets them just go nuts with the alien landscapes, but that'd probably be above their paygrade

>out of shape, white (mostly) nerds
explains why the BM is such a good reimagination

Attached: ascended ranger.jpg (300x305, 15.22K)

And yet they made a good product with no woke shit ruining it. Really makes you think.
The original is still miles better, but a good effort all around.

Do any of these 'legit' fan game/mods developer ever branch out successfully on their own though? I remember when Gunman Chronicles people made a studio for themselves and they did nothing from it and i doubt Crowbar Collective will do much different either.

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the people who made enderal made mods before it that were almost just as big

GMC wasn't that great though

The Sonic Mania devs have been working on original projects since then.

How is the progress with Opposing Force and Blue Shift remakes? I think different studios are working on both.
I also saw another team remaking Azure Sheep, there was attempt a few years ago on They Hunger remake but it was awful and the development stopped.

>there was attempt a few years ago on they hunger remake
user there's like 4-5 different attempts at a remake of they hunger

is blackmesa worth it if i never palyed half life?

They made a Steam page of the game recently so i suppose the game's release could be closer than we think. They also decided to put both games in one package now instead.

On the other hand, there's a considerable lack of attention for these guys hence the lack of interest and they're struggling with the lack of manpower involved so i'm kinda worried about their development progress and if they could manage the workload.

I played, but never finished the original Half-Life. Black Mesa was alright.

BM was being developed before all that woke shit hit the fan.

I just wonder how well optimized it will be since black mesa had some issues

This. A nice setting but overall a weak, janky Half-life wannabe.

Attached: 1656074320925.jpg (1080x1350, 208.04K)

>good morning fairykin freemxn, looks like you're running itsy bitsy late!