How susceptible are you with sex appeal in games...

How susceptible are you with sex appeal in games? Have you played or even bought a game because you find a certain character hot, the possibility of lewding the game to your content with mods, and/or something similar? If so, name a game that lured you in.

Downloaded Sims 4 because I want to see if the lewds are nice in motion and it doesn't help that I kinda like how the models especially with some mods. So far, the game's still in my PC.

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Why would I buy a game when the porn is free?

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There are some games I only buy for that reason. Like that game Succubus or Lust From Beyond series.

A character being hot "may" catch my interest, but if the game looks like shit I won't even touch it.

Fairly susceptible, I played Assassin's Creed Odyssey because of Kassandra, and Mass Effect Andromeda because I saw Cora's ass.
I loved both.

balloon tits gtfo, commit rope

Bought Haydee, spent a few hours posing her in different ways and jerking off, then refunded. Unless it's a porn game (which I can just get for free) a character being hot has zero impact on my decision to purchase.

im already tracer


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I've never paid money to masturbate to anything in my life. If I have to have it, I pirate it, but usually putting "[porn game] full gallery" into Google will get me what I need.

I have and never will buy a game for sex appeal. Still addicted to porn though.

Nah, sex in videogames is cringe as fuck and completely ruins the experience. I always play vidya with my sister you see, nothing kills the mood more than a sudden sex scene, The Witcher 3 and God of War games are very guilty of this and very cringe. Lmao like get a girl

Not very. I haven't picked up a single game because of sex or hot characters.

Have to fap every now and then so I won't get distracted. Prolly the same as post-nut clarity.

>I felt the need to protect her

How do I become this based?

I consume media with cute girls so I can properly roleplay as them.

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>How susceptible are you with sex appeal in games?
Big booba is free, I use google.

My coom brain literally watched that webm for a few seconds and thought it was fucking, Does that answer your question

Why is this dough so fuckable?

I've played plenty of games because I wanted to have sex with the characters, and then I did.

But this is like asking "do you like sex in movies?" and answering with "yes, I watch porn". Sex appeal in regular games is something that I like, but it's not something I'd buy a game just for. It's an additional quality, not a reason to play the game, just like I wouldn't give a shit if there was or wasn't a sex scene in a regular movie.

But on the other hand, the reverse is true. I won't play a game if it has NO sex appeal, just like I won't watch a movie if all the women are hideous. Because those kinds of products are clearly built by soulless faggots who think they're making a political statement, instead of celebrating beauty.

Learn to draw then trace or use as reference Governmentally approved legal """models""" as the basis for your arts until your heart becomes attached to said models.

I knew a dude in Highschool who fucked a loaf of bread when his parents were out of town.

Must've been a very seductive loaf of bread.

>sex in videogames is cringe as fuck and completely ruins the experience
It makes sense that it breaks the immersion for you virgy

I dont care how ugly/sexy the characters are in most games
porn games are obviously a different story though, but I'm usually into the ugly ones that way, too.

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Oh user, you have no idea

>I wanted to have sex with the characters, and then I did.

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I bet he was having fun.

I was until I played Bioshock Infinite. Now I'm sick of hornyposting.

Empathy and compassion for cute things are a basic human value, if you don't already feel that way I don't think there's anything you can really do.

9 months later he had to explain why there are three buns out of nowhere.

>I always play vidya with my sister
Did you fuck her yet?