Be honest, after this piece of shit, do you all honestly have any hope for GTA VI?

be honest, after this piece of shit, do you all honestly have any hope for GTA VI?

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This is Indiaware shit and not really representative of rockstar other than them and take twos greed

This was commissioned to a literal mobile game studio, rockstar didn't worked on it, GTA VI is being fully develop by RDR2 rockstar.

I lost all hope for Rockstar after the piece of garbage IV came out.

honestly i want a new Midnight club,or even a re-release of the older ones

true, but they still signed off on it and charged full price

Who gives a shit about GTA VI, it's just going to be a vehicle for GTA:O 2. These fuckers absolutely ruined what was supposed to be the base for SA:VR.

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Yes, they are still business men at heart, of course they are going to market it enough so normaltards think this was actually a new product.

And they tried taking down mods for the originals on the same day as release.

a further refined chinatown wars with online play would be kino.

No, Take2 has absolutely fucked R* raw.

that series was kino

fuck rockshit for abandoning it

I blame this bitch for ruining it. Fuck you bitch.

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Probably one of the shittiest aspects they did. Why didn’t they just independent contract the new mode to the modders and then have the Indian studio just “quality inspect” it?

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She’s responsible for this shit.

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Realizing that we'll never get a true remake after this is the real bummer. They're going to drag this thing through multiple console generations. Most of us will probably be nearly in our 60s before they attempt it again. This was our one chance and it's over.

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GTA IV remastered will be shit because of these shit remasters. GTA VI will be shit because GTA V is shit

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fuck off

kristin did nothing wrong

Considering the state of the industry, I never had any.

You're an idiot if you actually think they would waste their time making a new game when they can just shit out endless updates to gta5 and make millions.

Don't worry user, the fans will do a proper remake.


>did nothing wrong
She brought mahatmas into the project and they fucked it up even more by ruining the donut and her shitty upscale textures like depresso

they will never make anything good again
they are the company they would parody in older GTA games
it won't be funny or memorable
it'll just be a way to sell shark cards

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Frankly, there's no reason to expect anything good from them after GTA 5.
They had a good run but are in a downward spiral of stagnation. Just encourage other devs to bridge the gap left by them.

There are people that have made their own version of the original SA with many fixes and mods included to make the game look great. It looks good, runs good, preserves the original look and atmosphere. This is what rockstar should have done to the game if they were smart about it.

Not even Nintendo is dumb enough to take the SM64/OoT decomps to court, Take2 is going to get raped

no, you're forgetting the real culprits

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Not only that, but they removed the ability to purchase the old versions