What's the point of a hot voice actor?

What's the point of a hot voice actor?

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hot chicks have better voices

People with attractive voices are more likely to be physically attractive and to get roles as voice actors, especially for attractive characters, which are are most characters.

Aren't most voice actors streamers now? Being attractive is a job requirement for streaming

if you can tell when someone's morbidly obese when they're talking then you can probably tell when they have normal face structure too

to inspire people to be ugly

I want to fuck any character that this chick dubs

Not today, user. I can't handle this today.

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What does one thing have to do with the other? You got the aspies, son?

She's like average, simp.

hot chicks have a different way of talking than behemoths.

She's not THAT pretty tho. She's kinda mid fr.

>Crows feet
>Eyebrows fading
>Hairline thinning

It happens earlier and earlier....

get off the internet, user.

She’s fucks blacks and Mexicans on on the low

Better public appearances at cons.

Shut up, beta simp faggot.

That's untrue.

Bullshit. I'm Mexican, and nobody likes Mexicans.

user why do you think vtubers became a thing.

I do.

>ywn fuck a cute Aerith cosplay and cum on her back

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suit yourself, nigger

I wish I was gay. The only people into Latinos are gay men.

nothing about a voice actor matters beyond their voice

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Just mog the Salvadoran and Guatemalan males and take their women. You are twice as rich as they are.

And white women.

Why is she so perfect, Any Forums?

Attached: brianaass.webm (1920x1080, 2.64M)

jpg not relevant

>>Crows feet

Mo-cap, like my childhood hero Nolan North.

fuck man... she's got my vote


>not the H*ndurans
Granted, it would be hard to find a decent looking Honduran woman.

Bernie lost thouogh

>Nolan North
please tell me you're cappin'

i see a lot of south american women on cam sites and the like, and they're unironically look like monkeys, even more than black women
idk who could fap to that, let alone marry it

Confirmed. I am Hispanic and have only ever fucked white women and Asians in my whole life. Not exactly sure what my body count is but it’s 30+. White women love us because we’re not white enough to piss off daddy but they don’t want to go full on coal burner. It’s a great position to be in. Their dads are always at least partially racist but the moms love us too.

companies knows "stanning" for gook kpop shit is normal in the west now so they get pretty western VAs and face models and then they package them neatly for western audiences to "stan" their as their first "idol." kojima did it first with joosten

>implementing simpy 3D idol culture onto non-japanese face models and VAs
both incredible and amazing. the next step is probably to make it really known -- like for sure -- that the VA does not have a bf for maximum stanning and, "wow i have a chance!"

based white dads being racist

>Father of a female racemixer
He is just coping and seething, user.

Do you want her to make herself less hot to satisfy your autism or something?

It’s pretty much always true. I can usually win ‘‘em over because they are usually racist against ratchet ass Hispanics and ghetto nigs. Once I show them I can speak and conduct myself like an actual person they tend to soften up a bit. I think they’re just happy I’m not one of “those”. So they can at least warm up to the idea of me destroying their precious white daughters insides.