Another company in favor of murdering children

>another company in favor of murdering children
I thought SEGA was supposed to be Japanese-run? Why get involved in American politics?

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Other urls found in this thread:

They were always shit.

Why are right wing people generally fucking stupid? What gives? It seems they are so easily manipulated like OP.

How many of those saved babies will you adopt, OP?

OP is only angry at women because they wont let him fuck them. its a bit pathetic.

they're literally a slave caste.

I'm not seeing right wing people crying on twitter because they unironically think abortion is banned in the US.

Yep, it seems like peak incel energy

Why are they all using the exact same template to declare their support of child murder?

Only if right wingers learned to boycott, just don't buy their fucking games retards, pirate them if you want to play them so much

i don't care lol

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Go back to Any Forums

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>Why get involved in American politics?
because this is the American branch, who doesn't actually make the games

Sega is fucking getting bought by microsoft, mark my words

Because anyone not completely retarded doesn't treat politics like a team sport, unless they're doing it to manipulate other idiots.

How many jews have you saved from the Holocaust?

Considering the enormous demand for (non-nigger) adoption he probably won't have to.
Not that that has much to do with slaughtering inconvenient children.

I don't understand why republicans are anti abortion, aren't they all about personal responsibility and self defense?

If some person latched onto you or came into your house and started to leech off of you for food and made you sick and impacted your bodily health, you'd think they'd agree you'd have the right to kick them out, and if they can't survive on their own, that's their problem, not yours.

>b-but women had sex, so they brought it on themselves!

So if you let a friend inside your house and then they started to do the above (had sex with birth control/a condom but got pregnant anyways), or even if you made a bad choice and let a sketchy person in or left your door unlocked (had sex without protection) and then that happened, you still shouldn't have a right to shoot them or kick them out just because you made a bad call?

They need to be told what to think and do at all times so yes

Why didn't they do this for South Korea where it was completely illegal to get an abortion until 2021?

Will they do it for Japan aswell where abortion is de jure illegal?

Will they do it for Poland where it's illegal outside of rape, incest, and risk of death?

Why is it always America where corporation suddenly cares about [current thing]?

Roe v wade got overturned tho

Why do companies even have to pick a side? It's fairly easy to not say anything and avoid conflict.

Except it is in a good amount of states, many already had laws on the books banning it they weren't allowed to enforce, now they are.

And many others are starting to pass them.

Based. The world is overpopulated. Kill everyone you can, before they have a chance to reproduce.

Roe v Wade got overturned, get over it

This is why Nintendo owns them

blackrock won't give them money if they don't go woke

what does that have to do with killing a baby?

Japan loves killing things. They literally commit war crimes for fun. Why would they make children immune to this?

Imagine actually being this genuinely psychopathic.

social credit, of course

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Having kids is immoral anyways.

>murdering children

A clump of cells is not a child.

They don't engage in the broader conversation on twitter, reddit or twitch with us intellectuals.

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Gonna cry faggot? Lmao

And you don't live in those states and it's none of your business what laws they vote for. It doesn't affect you in any way. If women there don't like it they can vote to change the law or just buy a bus ticket, they're really cheap.

>I don't understand why republicans are anti abortion
It goes back to Nixon.

>t. brainlet

why are leftists always projecting like this? you people are like ants to me, intellectually speaking

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Why do left wingers cum and shid their diapers when a multi billion dollar corporation agrees with them?

I thought everyone was okay with murdering children? Everything seemed fine when those kids in Texas were killed.

Boo hoo hoo

Kids fucking suck though. There's enough people in the world already.

anything that results in less black babies is based

I'll adopt every single child I put inside you, baby gurl.

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Good. Get fucked leftist piece of shit.

*tips fedora*

look, you ugly fucking bitches(women); it's not like you were going to have sex anyway

you trannies can't even have babies

for the rest of you, that girl you like IRL won't have sex with you because you defend abortion on a chinka chonka ping pong video game board

SoAfags keep losing. Sally will never be canon. The Freedom Fighters will never be canon. IDW will never be canon.

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>we are matching employee donations
Well played sega, you get all the virtue signal points, and spend no money.

So? seethe harder

There are still going to be millions born in Africa. Can't really do much about those.

They control the world's media, companies want to keep themselves relevant so they say something. Not like the abstract mass that is a company has an opinion. My country could go into a full blown dictatorship and Sega's twitter would just ask what's your favorite Eggman quote?

American women bitch about not having rights to their bodies yet male babies have their bodies mutilated at birth through circumcision every day and most of these women who are pro-abortion have circumcised their sons.

>Except it is in a good amount of states

That's just democracy sweetie. Sorry that democracy doesn't mean anytime your ideals get validated.

We need less babies, too many people here already. Thin the herd.

That's why this was the best possible result. All the white states will ban it and all the blue states will pay to kill all the nigger babies.

>liberals are only for bodily autonomy
NO! NO ONE should have the right to breed. BREEDING is a DISEASE. STUPID people shouldn't have the right to it. Only people the state QUALIFIES to breed should do so. God, fucking retards. ALL OF YOU should've been aborted.

Why do left wingers pretend to fight multi billion dollar corporations?

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I thought you guys wanted it to be a state decision? Well, states are deciding and companies are taking sides. Leave the states that choose to do it alone, you literally asked for this.

i guess the entire kiryu arc of yakuza is pointless because haruka should have just had an abortion. sega of america is really out of touch.

Only rightists circumcise their kids anymore though.

is it really democracy when 9 ancient boomers who never got elected by anyone get to decide everything?

That just means that the small black populations in those white states will balloon very quickly and breed them out even faster.

Bitch you literally pretend men can be women and vice-versa so mentally-ill people don't off themselves.

Cope and seethe straight white male Republitard!

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>people shouldn't be forced to take the vax, they deserve to have autonomy over their bodies
Why is Any Forumsfront like this?

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This. It’s literally public knowledge yet this website seems to ignore it every time instead of calling the companies out.


So people have the freedom to make their own decision on this highly contested issue, and they might disagree with you sometime?

I'm very sorry that's upsetting to you.
You'd think the 'liberal' party would be pretty down for that sort of liberty.

>And how will this help us sell more video games?
>Video games?
So even Blackrock has its hands on Sega too, right? There's absolutely no reason for companies to do this shit. They can just say nothing and be normal.

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Democracy is when I get what I want and the people I don't like are mad.

Yep. Are you trying to undermine our democracy sweetie? That's fascism.

Isn't the reverse true as well? People advocating for abortion are in full favor of forced vaccination.

Companies do this kind of shit to get brownie points with other companies and investors. This isn't a statement made to gain benefit from consumers.

it's so depressing american politics are the only super fast threads on this shithole of a board. is anyone here from 2006? why are we still here?

Hey, tranny
Eat my boiled shit with a glass of bleach

>Are you trying to undermine our democracy sweetie?
i didn't storm the capitol because my candidate lost.

No they'll leave because all the democrats want to pay for their transportation to other states. You think those nogs are going to come back when they find out how much gibs they can get by staying in California?

more abortions = less maternity leave
it's simple
If you haven't realized, american companies have to have 50% female staff now.

Everything is a clump of cells, fucking retard

>still using fag flag
its july

This conversation has nothing to do with those nine boomers.
They gave individual states the right to choose for themselves, and I guess that's somehow bad now.

If only you knew how bad things really are

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American branches of Japanese companies weighing in on politics is always funny because most of the time the shit they're "standing in solidary" with is illegal in Japan yet their statement is only directed as America.

I genuinely don't care enough to have a real stance on this issue, but I'm confused about why you wouldn't make an exception for rape/incest/mother's life at risk.

They've been doing that for decades but there's still tons of them all over the country, not just in California or New York.

Don't go burning down buildings because you can't murder unborn children anymore ok sweetie?

Roe v wade got overturned, Sega can't do shit except cope and seethe just like the baby killing leftoids seething their asses off
Get over it, abortion is evil

why does someone who murders a pregnant woman get charged with double homicide then?

It is when you fucks keep yelling at states that want to protect it and protect people you're denying rights to in your shitholes. You're already trying to ban pregnant women from leaving Texas

This is SOA dummy.

I don't care if it's for virtue signaling, a corpo willing to foot the bill for litterally anything medical related is a win for working class stiffs.

All they said was that abortion is not a right in the Constitution. And you know what? I read it, they're right, doesn't say a damn thing about abortion. If you would like it to though you're free to have it added, amendments are a thing that is allowed. Gotta wonder why the democrats did fuck nothing on that front for 50 years.

ur not lol

Apparently is was democracy when few boomers made Roe Vs Wade a thing in the first place. Never saw you fags ever complain about that. Guess it's okay for few boomers to decide things if it's for whatever subhuman belief you have. Also, all they did was kick back the decision to states.

I wonder if there are women purposefully getting pregnant just so they can have abortions to 'own the right'

>I thought everyone was okay with murdering children?
Only the Jews and their puppets are.

Federalism is a bad, failed system that will destroy the country as it has others, yes. States should have no power.

I am against circumcision, baby murder and I have no trust in doctors, especially considering they engage in both of those practices.

Every time you open your mouth you sink into a deeper swamp of dumb

Explain how my reasoning is wrong.

Should or shouldn't a person have a right to expel or defend themselves from another being leeching off of them for resources, especially when it's at the expense of that person's own health and well being?

You can argue that they made the choice to have sex, but again, I don't see people saying that because you made the choice to let somebody inside your home, that gives them permission to squat and take it over without you expelling them, and if they don't have another place to go and they die from starvation, that's their problem.

It's analagous, if you don't think it is, then explain why.

>eugenics is bad
The absolute state of mutts.


I've been surprised by the violently antagonistic response to the Dobbsdecision, but I should not be! Jesus warned us, "you will be hated byall for my name's sake. But the ones who endures to the end will besaved" (Mt. 10:22). We do not expect praise for our good deeds, as theChristians who fought for womens sufferage and the abolition of slaverywere hated in their day, now too we expect to be hated for defending therights of the most poor and needy of all: The unborn. Opposition isexpected! I know I'm hated by the many! Better to be hated then loved bypeople who never knew a day in their life how TO love or be loved.Unbelievers everywhere are liars using the Lords name in vain andclaiming to love without believing in THE Love. Believing in Jesus. Butwe'll always keep praying, we'll always keep fighting and we'll alwayskeep praising God for being greater and more powerful than majorityculture! IF CHRIST CAN SUFFER TORTURE ON THE CROSS FOR OUR SINS I CANSUFFER THE HATRED OF THE MAJORITY! Praise be upon Him! Christ is King!

>It is when you fucks keep yelling at states that want to protect it
Completely opposite to what you're doing now, right?
How are you people so utterly fucking stupid.

If you want less opposition consider dropping the mayan practices.

I'm glad I only play indies. AAA games / companies have gone to complete shit. Cheaper too

"A well regulated militia" is not a single person and was not until the awful DC v. Heller decision was decided, which we will overturn once we pack the court, eliminate the Electoral College, and remove any appellate jurisdiction for abortion or gun laws from the Supreme Court. Your side really, really fucked up.

will the red states increase funding to help with the increased childcare expenses?

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Indeed, SoJ were always the good guys, and this only serves to prove it once more.

What a healthy and sane view of the world.

The real reality is that these corporations are in support of flying their employees to stages with legalized abortions to get their abortions because it's both cheap and more cost effective for the company to fly employees out to get an abortion than to support them through maternity leave. Do not think for a second they are doing this for anything more than their bottom line.

Baby killers shouldn't be able to roam free, if go to another state and come back to do an abortion you should be banned or jailed if you come back to a state where abortion is illegal, simple as

Blackrock invests in like 90% of companies. I don’t even know where they get all that money.

this. just 2 weeks and we win reddit bro

Authoritarians get the rope. Probably from their own side.

Yeah because they couldn't afford to get there and they were too lazy to get a job long enough to where traveling would be possible. Now they're going to get free transportation.

>I'm confused about why you wouldn't make an exception for rape/incest/mother's life at risk.
A) because that's literally always been, is, and always will be, a leftoid strawman; literally nobody's ever made such a demand it's always been a twitter lie
B) because like 97% of abortions are done for the hell of it, the remaining 3% comprised of abortions that're done for medical reasons, socioeconomic reasons, rape, etc.

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I just want to play video games

Aren't the majority of arborists mothers black women? So they're basically advocating for murdering black babies and we're trying to stop it? Let them lol

>noooo you can't kill the child. you have to wait until it goes to school so it can get gunned down by a spree shooter
why are righties like this

That's not authoritarian that's how every real country in the world works.

Sorry OP, but I didn't like this thread. This topic doesn't interest me in the slitghest. Do better the next time.

>corporate take stance for the loudest voice on twitter yet again

It's the same fucking joke

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Leftoids keep kissing that boot, they think these corporation care about their well being, these dumb fucks don't realize they only want people without kids slaving away for them, besides paying for an abortion is way cheaper than having a pregnant employee
Leftists are so fucking stupid it's unreal

I can't wait for China to take over so anyone discussing obnoxious crap gain interest in their morgages and loans an x% per shitpost

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Choke and die on some field corn and Fentanyl, Cletus. Or secede, whatever. I hate having to share a country with you and I'm sure you hate sharing one with me.

paying for abortions is cheaper than paying for maternity leave + childcare

Damn I didn't know murder was legal.

nice videogames, sega

>All life is preciou-

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cry and cope homo


>Should or shouldn't a person have a right to expel or defend themselves from another being leeching off of them for resources, especially when it's at the expense of that person's own health and well being?

No because by that logic I can leave my baby on the side of the road if I feel it is harmful to my mental/financial well-being.

It's all about control, ironically it means they lose the midterms, the filibuster and control of the court which will be packed with liberal judges who will make sure church will never control the state again

>I thought SEGA was supposed to be Japanese-run?
Vive la abortion
Is because Conservatives don't believe that laws shape society, they believe laws exist to punish people. They understand that women are still going to get abortions, but now they can punish them for doing so. That's what this is about: punishment.


i mean, rittenhouse got away with it.


You will never be fully vaxxinated, trooncel. Now go cry about it in your discord server, oh you terminally online r*ddit paragon of health and prosperity you.

>Murdering niggers before they're born
Seems based to me

>37 of 50 states still have legal abortions
>Even more states still have legal abortions before 9 weeks
>States where it's banned women are generally against abortion
>Places like LA, Seattle, New York had pussy riots despite being fully legalized

Im not the one who likes the cartel importing fentanyl over the border and worships a criminal who died from a fentanyl overdose. enough about your drug habits redditard

Abortion is not in the constitution you fucking freaks, hopefully you fucking whores get an abortion in a back alley and die from some infection or something, fucking sick fucks

I'm ok with babies being murdered, because the kind of people that are likely to get abortions are the kind whose kids will grow up to be insufferable twitter weirdos like their parents
That being said, getting pumped full of cum just so you can snuff the life out later seems evil
I'm not sure what side i'm on, it's hard not to get sucked into the insane hyperbole of either side of the discussion

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>"A well regulated militia" is not a single person and was not until the awful DC v. Heller
By US Federal law the milita is defined as all able bodied men 16 and older. Again, I'm sorry you don't like it but that is the law. If you would like to change that law you can, you idiots control Congress.

You don't have to be republican to recognize that the dehumanization and killing of fetuses is unethical. I'm not even American in the first place tee bee aych.

Femoid attempts at dodging responsibility never get old.

Abortion is murder. Freedom over your body is qualified by the body of another

>american politics thread is the fastest on the board
Kek, how do eurofags cope?

>able bodied
welp, that rules out all americans.

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Death to liberals. Hail Trump, Hail our people, Hail Victory!

A well regulated militia and the right for people to keep and bear arms are 2 seperate sentences you stupid fucking cunt.

guess i’m not buying the new sonic now lol
fuck companies telling women to murder their kids

video games?

Vaccine mandates don’t take away the choice. And vaccine mandates are about public health. Abortions are about the individual and don’t affect public health.

kek I can smell your insulin pump from here, trooncel
oh look! your fistula is leaking

The UK and Mexico are just as fat as the US now. Cope.

You guys ever get tired of low effort Twitter threads and inflammatory posts? I need to quit this shit.

>Is because Conservatives don't believe that laws shape society
Have you considered the possibility that they do believe laws shape society and want to shape society in a way that killing the unborn isn't viewed as okay?

The black stone rules this world.

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What does abortion have to do with video game publishers?

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You'd be singing a very different tune if a no-abortion mandates existed.

abortions are public health. killing babies is a public health problem.


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>butwhatabout other places
shut it fat

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