Are the original 3 Resident Evil games still worth playing?

They were too "adult" for little kid me to convince my parents to buy, first RE I finally got around to playing was 5 when it released. Frankly, I know more about RE rule 34 than I do the actual story. I'd like to emulate them and finally see what all the hype was about, but gameplay videos make it look more like a chore than anything else.

Am I missing out on not playing them and skipping straight to 4? Anything before the 2002 RE1 remake or RE0 looks like it would only be enjoyed if you either have nostalgia for it or are cripplingly autistic.

Attached: re123.png (700x233, 281.2K)

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I don't see Code Veronica wtf???

If you like playing old games, yes. All of them are very enjoyable chees-fests. Never believe they're "challenging" though. RE games are braindead and basically visual novels.

do not play RE1, just play the REmake theres no debate on that
try and emulate RE2 and 3 but if your aspergers kicks in then go play the remakes

they are worth playing for their aesthetics / atmospheres alone but the gameplay has always been below average

The original? No, you're better off playing the Gamecube remake.

It's not that they're bad but they're extremely fucking outdated
The remake of 1 is generally considered superior with the same style of controls (tank)
RE2, I don't have much experience with but from the few minutes I did play of it, it was vastly different to what I remember on PS1

RE1 really did push for the whole 'just don't use resources' gimmick which is a massive problem as you don't really know where the next safe spot is, etc. So you can wander around a lot hoping to get more progress

yes, they are all good games and still perfectly playable. the gamecube remake of the first game is also fantastic and much more difficult. i havent played any of the other remakes.

>It's not that they're bad but they're extremely fucking outdated
A lot of 5th gen games seem to have this problem. Wildly innovative for the time, but most of their innovations were quickly outdone by games only a few years further down the line (often by games in the same franchise.)

Definitely all three are in the top 10 PS1 games

I've played through all 6 classic sytle RE games for the first time in my life in the last 3 years.
They are all absolutely worth playing and it was a fantastic experience. The first one is a bit rough though, particularly after playing REmake, which is the best one out of all 6 (2 comes afterwards).
If you're afraid of tank controls, start with REmake or 0 and enable modern style controls, but using the classic controls worked pretty well for me.
While REmake2 was a good game, I couldn't help myself but miss the original.

Do NOT listen to the retards in this thread telling you to skip the original RE and only play the remake. They are two different games with very different tones. Yes, the original trilogy is well worth playing.

Yes play them. They are all short games and have great atmosphere. If you rushed you could probably beat all 3 in one day quite easily.

Mikami's RE1 is a timeless masterpiece. A true innovator and creator of a genre, still the best survivor-horror game in gaming history. Borrows elements from puzzle and action games with a splash of B-movie horror and acting. Got an amazing backstory discovered through its gameplay. The classical and ambient BGM really adds to the atmosphere and foreboding of the game, strengthening the feelings of isolation and desperation while locked inside a huge mansion filled to the brim with nasty zombies. The combat was great for its time too. If you haven't played its remake, you definitely should after beating RE1. It has a different feeling and approach to it but it's as great as the original.

Attached: The Pillars of the Gaming Industry.jpg (1280x670, 525.35K)

Of course. All the remakes are inferior in some way or another.
Also wtf is that cover of RE1?

oh yeah, weird

Played 2 OG (PC) and it rocks. Skipped 1 OG cus I kept dying and skipped the remake because I lost a bunch of progress to a crimson head so it's on hold. 3 so far is pretty good too.

If you're gonna play 1 then play the DS version with the screens in a horizontal layout because the map is on screen at all times. Knife doesn't take up a spot either.

I'd play 1 if it got some upgrades from 2 like being able to knife zombies as they get up. You die too fast compared to 2 as well

Come on user, it can't be that hard.

REmake clears the original

I didn't play them until recently and I still enjoyed them. The tank control time to get used to but that's only because of the camera angles.


they are more worth playing than demake2-3
original resident remake is the only remake ever worth playing

I'll play both versions to completion at some point but every attempt at playing it gets me angry and I don't wanna play it anymore. Loved 2 all the way even if I fucked Claire B a little by taking the extra space pouch and died a couple times


re1-3, remake 1+2, re zero, code veronica are the best RE games

4 is a top ten game of all time but isn't the same as 1-3

1-3 are all really good as is REmake and REmake2

avoid REmake3

ALL of the originals are better than their remake counterpart. Video game remakes as an idea are a mistake. This is another sign the industry is becoming worse and worse. I genuinely feel bad for gamers in the near future.