Looking back was Katie Vick KINO?

Looking back was Katie Vick KINO?


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unironically yes, the whole Katie Vick storyline was peak cringekino

what was the reaction like from people when it aired journalists etc

it was already in an era when no one gave a fuck about pro wrestling anymore, so the news didn't cover it. and there was no twitter yet, so butthurt faggots couldn't reeee about it.

It was a different time you understand

Attached: choppy choppy.jpg (1242x913, 83.9K)

chop chop pee pee, i remember me and my parents went to eat at a local bar late like 10 30 at night and they had raw on and this segment was on

Is this still on the network or did they take it down?

Haha chopping Val's Venis off, that gave me a good giggle.
The times didn't change. Just the people.

try that now

what a sick freak


no wonder Vince didnt hand the company over to him

I know.
The people changed.
"Choppy choppy cock floppy hahahaAaaa", it still makes me lose my sides, but there's a whole audience of people who are autistically obsessed with goodthink.
They don't even care if they laugh at the comedy, they just react to what they perceive is not the approved normal.

The masses have no fucking idea they're behaving this way but they do.
"Cancel culture" is just thought enforcement. Right To Censor in real life.

>dad walks in

Pretty sure this entire angle caused massive viewer dropoff.

it didnt the ratings stayed exactly the same

it was kino

He sounds like a broken kazoo

Fuckin slays me every time

>Pretty sure [reddit headcanon]

Yamaguchi-san should've shot on Val

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>two bottoms