My favorite game is a naked baby crawling in his basement to escape his abusive zealot of a mother while crying so hard...

My favorite game is a naked baby crawling in his basement to escape his abusive zealot of a mother while crying so hard they're practically bullets with shit everywhere. How could you tell?

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Isaac is not a baby, he is a little boy.

I checked the DLC for the game and it just seems that most added bosses, enemies, items, and characters are utterly annoying to play as or against.

stop being bad at the game

Repentance bosses are hard AND fun.
Afterbirth+ however bosses are hard but not fun

Steakmund I hope you’re working an a new isaac this one is 8 years old

But it's all in his head

>bosses, enemies
that's the point

Most Repentance bosses are fun to fght. Most Repentance characters are annoying to play.

Who's your favorite tainted character bros?

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Tainted Isaac. I like having good runs.

Isaac, because it basically turns the game into Dead Cells, managing the item slots is fun.

t.keeper for glass cannon goodness
t.jacob is a fun challenge except when you HAVE to beat some bullshit boss as him

I like all of them except for the absolute dogshit that's t. Samson. If I'd have to rank them it'd be

OP to the point of boredom: Judas, Lilith
Different game: Cain, ???
Just fun: Keeper, Isaac, Eve, Jacob, Apollyon, Eden
When I'm in the mood: Magdalene, Bethany, Lost, Laz, Azazel
Never if I could: Samson, pre-patch Laz and Jacob

They're harder. In fact, they suck if you suck, but they're far more fun if you know how to play either t lost or t keeper.

I've been wondering about waiting to get Repentence until after I've cleared all the unlocks for Afterbirth+, but its pretty heavy going. Is it worth sticking at it to get things like the complete Mega Satan unlocks before adding even more characters?

might as well and go ahead and get repentence

Tainted Eve. if you live to get to Caves you've already won the run.

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Just get Rep, it fixes a lot of annoying shit in AB+, including making Keeper an actual character and buffing a lot of garbage items AB+ implemented to bloat the item pools, getting rid of closet boss rooms, and getting rid of portal enemies outside of Void.

Thanks anons, I think I'll do that.

>getting rid of portal enemies outside of Void.
Hallelujah! Can I get an amen?

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Skill Issue