I hate this POS

>shitty story
>every single mission is a rehash
>tight gunplay but tedious gameplay
>boring scenery
>bloated mechanics
I've been trying to finish it for 3 years now but I play a mission every 3 months and I'm too tired to give it another go. I seriously hate this. Who the fuck thought the whole Mother Base thing was a good idea? Who would devote all the time to micromanage all this nonsense? It seriously feels like a mobile game. The same rehashed stages, minimal and stupid story, micromanaging to the brim, everything coming from logs and cassettes and whatever other bullshit.
And that is all without mentioning the tiresome
nonsense before and after each and every mission. Can't Kojima fuck off to make some dumb Hollywood schlock with Kurt Russell and Keifer Sutherland and stop this shit? Christ...

MGS ended with 4, nothing past that exists. Not that shitty Peace Walker game, not this. 1-4 and that's it.

Attached: MGSV-header.jpg (1280x720, 159.8K)

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Unfinished game, wasted opportunity, missing chapter 3, etc. We got the worst timeline.

Well I got good news, you seem to have traveled forward in time, kojima doesn't make metal gear games anymore, and hasent for half a decade now. 5 is forgotten.


Just ignore the """story""" and use cheatengine to bypass the motherbase mobile game shit, like everyone with a brain.

fuck you cunt

Shit people who sucked at the game say. This is the best stealth action simulator ever made. Nothing can even touch MGSV in terms of gameplay and even if the story isn't the best of MGS or anything it still shits on pretty much all of the other games coming out these days. Mechanics aren't ""bloated"" you're just bad at the game like I already said.

>Can't Kojima fuck off to make some dumb Hollywood schlock
No, that's the reason why he's making games. He would get laughed out of every single meeting and would struggle to even get hired as a secretary, let alone a writer.

>It seriously feels like a mobile game.
If I remember right you could outright buy resources at some point. I don't know if you still can or if that was cut before it even was a thing.

imagine dicksucking garbage hollywood writers THIS much.

I just played it long enough to fill Mother Base with ladies then I moved on.

>shitty story
This can easily be applied to MGS4, and I have no idea why you faggots insist on defending it so much. That game did more damage to the series with it's shitty story and retcons than MGSV could ever dream of doing.
>Can't Kojima fuck off to make some dumb Hollywood schlock
I've been asking myself since MGS4. That "game" had only about 3 hours worth of gamepaly and 12 hours worth of cutscenes. Death Stranding is the epitome of Kojima's obsession with Hollywood.

It's because Kojima is one of the very few that can make movie games actually good. Say what you will about MGS4 but it was entertaining and he actually gets a lot of cool angles and is very creative with his games. Nobody runs a cutscene like Kojima, it's actually good in this case.

If people like Rian Johnson, J.J Abrams, M. Night Shyamalan, and Jordan Peele can find work in Hollywood and not get laughed out of every single meeting, so can Kojimbo.

How to use metal gear tank?

MGS2 is one of the best games ever made along with 1 and 2 so I'm glad he never did.

You can't

Game is much better if you ignore all morality and only use lethal weapons. Except stealth camo and Grey Fox suit, there is no reason to care about Motherbase progress. Africa map is 99% empty flat. And game somehow continue after final boss. Compared to GZ, it is strange how much they fuck it up. They made perfect vertical slice and made empty open world instead. Game could be so much better. And to make it even worse Konami made crystal zombie spinoff instead continue MGSV. I will never buy anything from Kojima ever again.

Metal Gearfags are subhumans who unironically think plot in videogames matters, so i'm very glad this franchise died, not just with MGSV, a game with no plot, but with Survive too, a zombie survival crafting game.
You are the most cancerous fanbase to ever step in Any Forums, you spent 3 years shitting up Any Forums over how great MGSV would be, and then another 7 over how sad you are that your movie didn't have enough cutscenes.
The only good thing Metal Gear did was dying.

Only Raiden was entertaining. Rest was just one long grey misery.

It is a shitty far cry 2 knockoff but in third person.

>Only Raiden was entertaining
His cutscenes were, but his character was completely shat on. Thank god Rising managed to salvage what was left at least.

>It is a shitty far cry 2 knockoff but in third person.
Pretty sad that that's the most interesting concept MGS ever brought.

You have to allow yourself to fall in love with a franchise.
You wouldn't get it.

>This is the best stealth action simulator ever made.
>no level design
>80% of basses are a big flat open area with huts scattered around
Fuck off

>who's footprints are these
come on nigga, at least pretend to know the history around the series

>but his character was completely shat on. Thank god Rising managed to salvage what was left at least.
Rising shat on his character in the same way in mgr if you're referring to his comparison to the end of MGS2.

>it's the level design schizo
he makes these threads all the time, stop feeding

The history around the series is that some gook really wanted to make movies and couldn't because he's a hack, so he went for a series with much lower standards and everyone was mind blown at how a game could have 30 minute cutscenes.
Then he did the bare minimum for the gameplay and that's it.

MGS is just budget Splinter Cell.

>game has shit level design
>a major flaw to a stealth game
>must be one guy

yeah level design could have been much more and it's still the best, really goes to show how good Kojimas games are when it comes to gameplay and unique mechanics. There's still nothing on the market as good. Not any of those shitty ubisoft clones for sure.

MGR heavily mirrored the themes of MGS2 and actually attempted to fix what was done to Raiden in MGS4.

theres an extremely long list of novelties that the MGS series has that no other stealth game has. You can say the games suck but you're just objectively wrong if you say "bro they didn't even DO anything". I bet you couldn't even point out what makes Splinter Cell special, and I like those games more than MGS.

>the level design?
>its bad
>you can tell its bad because its shit
>if it wasnt shit it'd be good
>but here, right here, this design?
>its bad
>whats so hard to understand?

MGSV should have stop it's obsession with stealth and focus more on being an arcade-ish ArmA 3.
Should have let you do things like deploying with a squad, ordering it around, deploying with your entire army, pilot naval vehicles and aircraft, have far bigger maps and let you do things like rapelling or breaching into buildings.

MGSV is better suited towards milsim than the same old sneak through corridors shit from prev MGS games.
Besides, they always kept saying that Big Boss is a soldier, not an agent, no reason to perpetually stick to stealth.

>MGR heavily mirrored the themes of MGS2
No it didn't. MGR faggots are insufferable.

>Too of a pussy to even quote directly
>immediately thinks abut boogeyman
The absolute state of vfags

MGS2 and 4 faggots are about as much

Farcry is garbage

FC2 is a better game than all of MGS.