Do you finally accept that single-player games are losing relevance?

Do you finally accept that single-player games are losing relevance?

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uninstall twittr

Electronic Farts are pure cancer and mulitplayer games are mostly bland soulless shit.

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Multiplayer has ruined gaming.


Ah yes EA gaas filled with microtransaction garbage sure is better


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Zoomers are over socialized and so are most millenials (my generation). I play basically exclusively single player games

>please play our shitty games as a service titles with egregious mtx

>She only plays single player games
You already told me she was a 10.


Compaines hate single player games because you cant
>release it unfinished full price and say its early access
>cant milk it with microtransactions
>cant milk it with battle pass
>cant milk it with FOMO tactics
Yeah you can still do season pass dlc for some milking, but most people will just wait til the "GOTY edition" comes out

Does that mean she only masturbates? She won't put out?


>can't release it unfinished full price and say its early access
Have you not looked at Steam in like the past deacade?
>cant milk it with microtransactions
>cant milk it with battle pass
>cant milk it with FOMO tactics
They absolutely can do those things. Single player doesn't mean it has to be offline.

2022 is the death of multiplayer competitive games due to the absolutely unstoppable flood of cheaters/hackers. They're in every type of game and there's no solution to them so far.

>they're 10 and only like playing single-player games

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Yeah I'm well aware of the near infinite indie games on steam. I'm talking about big companies like EA. If they try to milk single player games they get ripped apart and the sells suffer

i see what you did there.

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Single player games will never lose relevance.
>inb4 dumb action game enemy ai
Action games are superficial and do not have the dimension the turn based games and other RPGs have.
And with 8 core + cpus becoming the norm and with advancements in ai and machine learning there will be even better games in the future. Once the dark ages are over.

They backpedaled on this within 4 hours.


EA is aware they released Jedi Fallen Order and its soon-to-be sequel, yeah?