
Can you hear me?

Attached: 2asdf2asdf.png (226x224, 88.4K)

I feel like he's killed at least one person.
Maybe just a hooker or a wino, someone nobody would miss.


Attached: D56DF28D-E6EB-48F2-817B-B45936413467.jpg (1125x1327, 589.57K)

Settle down, ok?

Excuse me?

get off vent or ill have you bent

Attached: BabyBoi.png (402x418, 201.4K)


Covid china virus

white man give gun
white man bring only death
white man gunpowder demon

made in China ok

I heard this guy acts like a diva in his discord.

Attached: 1645925509334.gif (202x196, 1.27M)

>paywalls his content

Attached: 1655100731916.png (412x447, 179.66K)


He is legitimately weird. It's barely an act for his videos

How the fuck? Is that bonafide? Cats can't dance. How?

his twitch streams are paywalled except the stupid source engine game show.
patreon exclusive vids
he had a twitter tantrum over youtube demonitization

Hey brother, did you know black people are trying to enter China?

>He is legitimately weird. It's barely an act for his videos
Good. Normal people are boring, okay?

I had no idea he had a Patreon. I will go support him now.


That is in fact false brother

Shitty Meme
Dead Game
Dead Youtuber
Not Videogames