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who /bored already/ here?

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SnOYS, rofl

Wake me upnwhen they readd underwater
Now they can stop forcing their verticality meme that they introduced in 4

I mean yeah it's still Rise

It's so pathetic how these people will settle for literally less content.
Sunbreak feels just as unfinished and barebones as base Rise and doesn't even come close to what a good expansion Iceborne was.

And the worst part is that they are happy with it
Less content = less tedium
Yeah those ecology videos and optional treasure hunting quests sure were tedious

snoys are bored because they have literally nothing to play lmao

The main issue with rise is it misses what made World so great. Incredible graphics with a fantastic story and lore. Without that it's just soulless.

I was never excited. It's basically a mobile game. Good enough for Nintentroons maybe, but not for me, sorry. Emulate it if you must, but you're better off with World.

Monster hunter died the day 4 came out
It was the worst one to date
Then they topped it with gens
Then with rise

My only gripes that most of the MR armor doesn't have new styles, same thing applies to Palicoes and Palamutes where their MR armor has no new style. Also, they don't even get a sub-variation armor set.
Other than that, game's fine I guess.

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>Incredible graphics with a fantastic story and lore
ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, this is a good one

no thanks you can keep it, already have the better version

>still no poogie
>Still no trenya
>Still no actual farms
>Still no actual palico kitchens
>Still no actual palico training
>Gacha hell for decos charms and palicos
>No underwater
>no seasons
>Lobbies get worse every game somehow
>It keeps getting easier and easier
>still no negative armor skills

Lmao no it doesn't. World babies really are salty that Sunbreak is a better expansion (let alone a better game) Please give me more of your salt World baby

There is already 3 times as many monsters to fight in rise than that was for all of World and Iceborne combined.
Sorry if the entirely fucking pointless mechanic of tempered monsters aren't a thing in Rise to pad out playtime.
Also sorry Fighting monsters are now as quick as it was back in Freedom - Gen Ultimate.
Back then Monsters didn't have hyper inflated health pools and MMO Instant wipe mechanics to waste everyone time.
The later half of Iceborne was a fucking chore compared to every other end game experience of monster hunter games.

Fighting monster isnt everything pal
Lok up the definition of hunting
If it was up to you to design the games
All monhun would be is a quest select menu with no villages or npcs
Just fight

Dont you have to go and farm your charms mindlessly, user?
What are you doing here?

>Fighting monster isnt everything pal

"Hunting is the human practice of seeking, pursuing and capturing or killing wildlife or feral animals."

The more animals to kill in monster hunter, the better.

Good job avoiding the definition that explicitly states that preparation for the hunt and studying the prey is part of hunting
but rise doesn't even have you seeking it, just fighting it lmao

>hit hr 95 and quit on switch
>buy pc and sunbreak pc
>grinding through hr to get to sunbreak
>it's so miserable I want to uninstall and refund sunbreak
holy fuck doing early game twice is the worst fucking experience in monster hunter

>it's a rangedcuck carts 3 times in a row right before the monster dies episode

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>Preparation for the hunt
Literally all the games have it in the form of getting weapons that are effective on the monster you're trying to hunt and armor resistant to it's form of attacks + items you're gonna use
>studying the prey
Neither did any game prior to World, and farming tracks was a time waste and unfun

rampages are shit
apex monsters are just clones

blame 4U for bringing the CB weeabos and ranged cucks to the front

The game has been called "Monster Hunter" for 18 year.
Yes. Like everyone did before in prior games and what you world babies did for decorations. But Charms didn't make or break your hunt. They just expedited it.

>neither did any game prior to world
so it's fine for Rise to have the same amount of features than a 15 year old game?
no wait, it has less features because it doesn't even half of the soul included with farms and ecology videos lmao
videogames truly are devolving

Rampages are gone.
Pretty sure Apex monsters are too.

Yes. Seeing as World had even less. Now Mohan is back up to bog standard that world failed to repeat.

Exquisite bait

as long as it's not as shitty as the 10 years of 4U and Gen U

>great story

Kinda bored. still early. nothing harder or hits harder.."""""master""""""?

World wasn't even the most soulful game in the series, Generations was.
It literally was a "fuck it everyone's here" of both locales and monsters.

Even using that argument, it's okay that World got rid of hunting styles? As well as the prowler mode? Literally an entire moveset gotten rid of and that's okay?

touch grass

It's ok for everything that Gens added to be gone because Gens is shit and a spinoff
Rise will be forgotten too because it's a portable game
And Tri was the best, gens was the soulless rehash

I didn't even get the expac. I've been with the series since before Unite. Rise isn't a bad game, but it's not rewarding.

I'll buy and play when it's less than 10$

Shit b8 m8

So you settled for worse with World and it's MMO raid boss horse shit instead.

>dude just use the op defender weapons and breeze through the game
>equip hr armor and defender bow
>kulu ya ku still takes 20 minutes
please i just want a cheat im not playing the same 300 hours over again just to get to the new stuff fuck OFF

>Like everyone did befor ein prior games
Deco and charm gacha hell was introduced in the shit games
4U and GenU
coincidentally all 3ds games lmao

*grabs ur ass* what now gay boy?

It's fine. It's more of the same with some new monsters and environments. I play this game very casually during down time by myself so it's all I expected or needed from it. Rise was always inferior to World anyway and this definitely didn't change that.

>Monster Hunter
Let me recite to you every single Monster Hunter story.
Oh no. [Flagship monster] is ruining the ecosystem. Go kill it. Oh no. Turns out [Flagship monster] was actually keeping at bay or woke up [Elder Dragon]. Kill it. Oh no, Repeat steps 1-2 for the Ultimate DLC.
Welcome to monster hunter. Now fucking leave.

I settle for FU, P3rd, Tri (not 3U) and my cracked ps2 with DOS. and patapon
World was the ok, definitely better than rise, on par with 4U, and gens is shit

>finishes on day 2
>0 endgame content
MH is a fast food shell of what it once was.

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Monster hunter story is basic like that, yes
Old monhun games had a shitton of lore when talking to npcs, reading quests descriptions, reading materials and items descriptions
there were entire bookshelves and magazines and ecology videos specifically for worldbuilding, plus many secrets
now every material has a stock description, quest details got like 3 generic ass templates and there are no book or ecology videos

Hahahaha. No. Started in fucking Tri. Even had a RNG Hell making it next to impossible if you to get Attack up charms if you started your game file on the wrong seed.

everyone hated world's fart sniffing and cum collecting and firefly following minigame. sorry you liked it, nobody else did.

that's 3U, zoomer, also a 3ds game ;)