You have three months

You have three months.

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What a cunt.

>kills herself for no reason
certifiable woman moment

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>Has cancer
>Cancer held in check by nanomachines
>Turns off nanomachines
>All the years of accumulated cancer rush out and invade her body
>Goes from perfectly healthy to dead in a few minutes
Kojima may be a genius but he's fucking retarded.

Why do the dumb ones always have to be hot?

Everything would have been ok if she fucked her brother. Same with Emma and otakon. That's the message from MGS, incest solves everything.

There should have been a female big boss clone.

>that brief glimpse of her stocking feet

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Try as I might, I can't find a single fault with this logic.

>Snake. Take off your clothes.
I would've fucked her then and there.

She died the way she lived.

Naomi's lab coat cleavage was a fetish that still hasn't fucking caught on. She was ridiculously hot.

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i love how she nods all positively as she says her dismal things during this scene
like snake is all "so i have like a year to live" or whatever and she's like "come look at this *nods* it's actually 6 months *nods*"
what the fuck is wrong with her

I'm sure in Japanese her mannerisms make more sense for what she's actually saying.

I forgot what happened to her

Did she an hero with Vamp? Or something like that?


Oh. That's stupid. But she helped kill Vamp right? I cant be misremembering this much.

No, snake stabs vamp with the turn off nano machines syringe and then raiden stabs him with a sword.

Did Naomi fuck Vamp?

That was the best part in all of MGS4
All of her scenes were fucking terrible

She's passive agressive, because she still hates Snake. Snake knows this, but Snake being Snake plays along. It's not like Snake doesn't care, but he thinks her attitude is justified.

He stabs him with knife, not sword, they had a knife fight. Naomi ended Vamp by giving overdose of the nanosyringe.

Vamp is bisexual, so is Naomi.

she gives Otacon's little robot the syringe to kill Vamp going on with how he should kill him not for revenge but to put him out of his misery, but Vamp has none of that, snatches the syringe from the Mk. III and an heros himself