Pearl's Pearls

Pearl's Pearls

Attached: 97381941_p0.png (1035x1453, 549.07K)

She's still in training, so she was only able to half summon Mia

why did you make her unattractive

Damn, Mia's so unimportant half of her is taken up by tits.

How would reverse possession work with a full oppai girl possessing a loli? Pearl gain massive milkers but the reverse would be interesting

The localizations are so censored and so shit that they make the games impossible to enjoy

We've seen a guy posses Maya before, who immediately got topless. Maya's tits weren't there.

Even that is good enough for a guy that needs a ghost to tell him to check the other side of a piece of paper.

Implying she has to begin with

Damnit. I was planning on giving the ace attorney franchise a shot but now I have to wait till it's out of the spotlight again so I don't look like a coomer normalfag on my steam status

I doubt she was hiding hard pecs behind those robes this whole time

Emulate or pirate the DS or Wii versions. Steam version uses hideously upscaled and filtered art for everything.

I would've said
>Caring about what other people think
But I guess I kinda understand. Really bad timing.
>Hey user, why are you playing that lawyer game? Is it because of clussy? Do you have clussy fever too? Me too bruh ong fr fr

That's a child

I'm surprised there isn't more porn of this. I jerked off to the idea of pearl slowly transforming into Mia, body first then her mind becomes Mia.

Yes, and? She's growing (transforming) into an adult.

Sounds painful

Thanks ill try that. Surprised there's no mods to fix the art on the PC release

Can you post the portrait where she's putting her hands on her cheeks? Peak cuteness and I'm absolutely not into little girls

You now remember that doujin...

Attached: Narcotic.jpg (840x480, 156.88K)

Don't worry. It's only spiritual. She's in a family of spirit mediums.
Not that user but the art looks weird at first but you'll get used to it. I know I did.