Is Metal Gear Solid the best franchise of all time?

Is Metal Gear Solid the best franchise of all time?

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No lol

Good ranking. Good missions. Play the ranks, play the missions. Be the best infiltrator you realistically can.


So what’s better then? Don’t make me laugh with some answer like Zelda or Final Fantasy


its my favorite

It's pretty good



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it's definitely a franchise

I used to think it was, now I'm glad that its dead

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It really is.

Guess it depends how much you value overall consistency vs remembering the highs and forgetting the lows. While the first three are some of my favorite games of all time, the series quickly falls off afterwards and ends so badly it left a bad taste in my mouth.

Do you ever just blame yourself for not curbing you anticipation for the game? im just playing devils faggot, ive been on both sides of the fence with that goddamn game. But im now firmly planted in the love it group.

Xenoblade if 3 fixes everything wrong with 2

it probably isnt
i like it though

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Does anyone even understand this fucking franchise?

I fail to see how even MGS fans themselves would ever see it this way. They'd be dumb to see it that way.

My expectations were not that high after 4 and PW. There's just so many crazy design decisions behind it that I'll never be able to understand. The stealth sandbox can be great, but the appeal doesn't last forever and almost everything surrounding it feels unfinished or soulless. It's like the antithisis to 4 in design, and not in a good way.