'Sup there Female lurkers I want to talk about

'Sup there Female lurkers I want to talk about
creative hobbies, vidya, weeb things, patchuili, lolis, Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, vtubers(holo, niji(just the female ones) , voms, indie), laugh at deadbeats, rwby,source film maker, pokemon, girls from the dead or alive series and amongst other things


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Lol fucking desperate

don't care, artist name?

Can we just go back to doing vidya butts instead?

>girl helping another girl suck cock
god this is my favorite shit
i need it in my life

I wish I could make threads

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do you have to be a chad to pull this off

literally how fucking sad do you have to be to try and pull on Any Forums?

No just money

no you just need an open minded gf and non-autistic/shut-in gf
my ex was very close minded so i never got it but hey, maybe next time

got you user

Bonus points: it's a mom teaching her daughter how to do it.

i've been on this website since 2004 and never have i ever felt this much of a connection to another user before

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Thank you king, I guess they deleted their Pixiv.

they got a tag for that. it's assisted_fallatio


danbooru or sadpanda?

It's on gelbooru at least.

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wherever, i would hope. i found it on sankakuchan.
(boy, the premium lock on that one is getting worse recently)

I own the finger bone of the Mesopotamian God-King Gilgamesh, and it does have magical properties. I am willing to sell it for 78 million dollars, is anyone here interested?

What's pretty funny is that, even if I were to give them money (I won't) I can't because their log in system is all sorts of fucked.

Death to Babylon