It will NEVER be as good as Xenoblade 2

It will NEVER be as good as Xenoblade 2
It will NEVER be as groundbreaking as Xenoblade 2
It will NEVER be as influential as Xenoblade 2
It will NEVER be as popular as Xenoblade 2

Just give up.

Attached: xenochron3-1650154074567.jpg (1024x1024, 274.68K)

oh it was influential alright
it influenced people into thinking the xeno series was shit all along

How do you know, it's not out yet?

Not a single game in the world has been influenced by Xenoblade.

I don't see how xc2 was influential. It doesn't do anything especially new (besides gacha in a full price game), and I'm not aware of any games that borrow ideas from it

Butthurt c**mer is butthurt

I think Xenoblade 1 is a 7/10
Xenoblade X is a 8/10
Xenoblade 2 is a 6/10
and Xenoblade 3 looks like a 5/10 to me

Play better games.


I almost agree with you. 1 and X are both an 8/10 for me. They both aren't flawless, but fun games that I sunk hundreds of hours into when I was younger. 2 was fun, but I didn't feel the need to 100% it or play the DLC.

Xenoblade 2 is a litmus test. Anyone who praises that game or thinks it's influential or groundbreaking is certifiably a retarded manchild.

It's always the same people who like it. Stunted weebs with autism and no sense of humor, who don't understand when writing is bad, who don't understand game design. And of course, they are usually coomers with no video game knowledge who didn't play the previous games.

Xenoblade 1 however is one of the most influential games of the past two decades, so you are also retarded. Pretty much every big Japanese game afterwards copyed it slavishly - including Final Fantasy XV, Breath of the Wild(Nintendo even got Xenoblade's developer to make the BotW world for them), even games from unrelated genres, like Mario Odyssey. Xenoblade is single-handedly responsible for dragging Japanese games out of the hallway simulator rut of the 00s and back into the spotlight, by merging Western open-world design with Japanese sensibilities and visual style.

You will NEVER fit, fake fan.

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You're right.
It will be even better.

Cope, it literally broke Nintendo's shitty site twice


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xeno games were always coomer friendly

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>"Xenoblade never had any dark color skin character ever!"

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And they STILL are.

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Using this picture makes it very obvious you haven't play Xenogears at all. Elly wasn't sexualized.

>Xenoblade is the reason for the open world fad
Oh lord

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That's not Elma

but the narrative... what are we gonna do discordsisters...