Here's your monkey island writer

here's your monkey island writer

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imagine the smell of shit in that room

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What is it about gaming specifically that attracts (causes?) the transgender crowd? Gaming is one of the most hostile, male-dominated, toxic cesspits of any fandom. Why would anyone, so many it seems, want to identify as women when they are clearly derranged men?

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>gaming is hostile, toxic, and male-dominated, so why the fuck do so many hostile toxic men play games?

How can you be a women and non binary?

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There's a reason why even the female gaming leagues are male dominated.

>terrible trannybox
These people always subvert and destroy, but they never replace what they ruin with something better. What the fuck kind of sick way of life is this?

non binary isnt his gender identity but his coding identity because he uses visual scripting lego blocks to make games instead of binary code

This is fake, yes? I don't want this to appear on my google history

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You literally answered your own question, it's a male hobby
Why do you think most trannies are MtF?

Those creatures are insane user.

Why would a remake need a writer? Just copy the writing from the last game.

Whenever people stage this kind of conversations and cyclejerk the shit out of it on twitter, you CAN BET it's gonna suck fucking ass. This is all positive affirmation and nothing else.
>Omg her writing is so good AND she is trans too! I love her, so talented.
As if they have to hype their own shit up to make it sound good, because otherwise it sucks.
What a fucking huge redflag

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You just know it's going to be full of woke garbage gay shit.

Used to enjoy watching Bill Graner play adventure games before he trooned out. Sad, many such cases. Clearly helped his career though.

I'm sure you answered your own question on purpose, but is anyone really surprised that male dominated hobbies & fields that don't require too much effort to engage in are filled with troons? It's like people asking why these freaks are swarming over anime when neither conventional weebs nor the Japanese are welcoming to them. Or why they're so heavily involved in porn and fetish communities. Or why there's so many rapes and domestic violence cases involving them.

>I was on the egde of my seat for that section! "Then what happens!"

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I have so much troon fatigue. I'm so tired of these people.

The article is real, and the website has a bunch of "normal" looking articles, but I'd still like to believe that it's satire.

If you got off of Any Forums the amount of trans people you would be exposed to would be close to 0

being a tranny is a call for attention, being a tranny and doing tranny things like gutting a game's writing by fucking with the translation, or shoehorning bitchy woke shit into games draws attention towards you, both from virtue-signaling normalfaggots, and from the easily manipulated dumb-dumbs in this place that can't help but give these "people" what they want

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