Has the switch port been fixed yet?

has the switch port been fixed yet?

Attached: kotor-2-switch-release-date-june-2022.jpg (1800x1012, 83.85K)

it's on switch?

yes but apparently the port is broken in a way that makes it impossible to finish at least the last i read

Nope. Movies are still way too fucking loud.

im less worried about that and more about the bug that keeps you from finishing the game

The movies will cause permanent damage to your switch, or TV.

what? That begs the question who is getting fired?

how does that work

I think it raises a much better question: why the fuck would anyone buy this in the first place?

to be able to play kotor away from home

The LRG physical copy better be patched or I'm not buying it.


it's 2022
How do you own a switch and no gaming PC?

i own both

why wouldn't i? im going to do the same with GTA and the witcher 3

It's on mobile. Why they didn't just port that version is beyond me

Because its so loud it blows out your speakers. Its really fucking loud and the volume slider does nothing.

thats actually a pro productivity feature to keep you from playing at work

Or anywhere

couldnt you mitigate this issue by plugging in some cheap throw-away earbuds?

Then it would damage your ears.

dont put them in your ears moron just leave them hanging

Then you wouldn’t hear the rest of the game.
You know what would be a better fix? If they patched the fucking in game video volume setting to actually do something

workarounds are never perfect but until they patch it in using a throwaway pair of headphones is your only option

>volume slider does nothing
What? How does that work?