I've tried playing this over 10 times because retards on here keep saying it's amazing...

I've tried playing this over 10 times because retards on here keep saying it's amazing. Most of the time I lasted for an hour or two, but last night I sat down and was gonna give it a real go (considering I also hated dark souls when it first launched, but came back to it a few months later and then loved it). I played for 5 hours. When does the game get good?

>b-but the story is great
I'm sure there is some magical twist, but so far it's the typical bullshit "HUMANS ARE SO WEIRD, THEY CAN LOVE BUT STILL SO HORRIBLE - WOW HUMANS ARE REALLY THE WORST, BUT THEY CAN BE BETTER!" bullshit that is fucking stereotypical cringe crap.

I even installed mods to make 2b's ass bigger just to see if it could keep me playing.

But this have just confirmed my theory. Whenever something is very heavily anime inspired and someone on here (or reddit for that matter) say it's amazing, it's because anime lovers have horrible taste. This is true for movies, tv, and turns out it is as well as games.

Fuck this game - and weebs are autistic retards who have no taste.

Reply rules to this thread:
- weebs can be allow to respond if they apologize in the start of their response for being a weeb
- Non-weebs are allowed to hate on weeb posters in attempts to make them less weeb
- mods are gay and can fuck off

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Just to remind all weebs btw

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>weebs are autistic retards who have no taste.
you just learned this? Always Ignore all weeb recommendations.

sorry you have to play all the nier games and drakenguard games to understand it

People who enjoy the game are autistic incels that actually fall in love with video game characters

>p-please consider this before you decide to remove her skirt!!
holy shit how pathetic can one be. This is the kind of people who are recommending this game

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ah makes sense, because the game have been fucking boring so far.

>run around, do fetch quest
>get flight unit
>hold down fire button for a few minutes whilst fighting big boss
>get out of flight unit
>do more fetch quests
>ad repeat, with a few tidbits of "wow, humans are both special and horrible" thrown in here and there

wow what a fun game

>When does the game get good?
Literally the first minute.
It gets great at B chapter.
It evolves into GOD-TIER at C chapter.
The true finale elevates it to a form of art.

>I'm sure there is some magical twist
No, it has nothing to do with any sort of twist.
You simply have not even finished the game's tutorial yet, and keep making silly assumptions.

The story is pretty good, but it's the game's themes, message, the overall "subtext", that hits surprisingly hard. Whether or not you understand or care about it is another topic matter. To crudely simplify it all, it's a tale that celebrates humanity in all of its forms.

That being said, I would not be praising N:A as a massive masterpiece if it would only have a passable story. Any game worth its grain of salt needs to also have enjoyable gameplay, and boy does Automata deliver on that front.
The gameplay is super varied, engaging and satisfying. It's essentially a festival of play-styles and genres, with design philosophy that takes me right back to the Golden Era of the early PS2 days.
I legit spent 30 hours just running around, exploring, examining, fishing... etc, during the A chapter alone, before I unlocked the game's Fast Travel function. That much fun it was just to leap around and do "pointless" shit.

Lil' disclaimer: I was originally planning to totally skip this game, because I'm not too fond of DMC/MGR type of games, and fancy r34 isn't enough to make me pay for a game. Fortunately I started seeing the true fans talk about the game in secrecy, and my own friend convinced me to give it a shot later on.
I've now 100% the game twice, on PC and PS4, and will certainly replay it many times in the future as well. Went and hunted down the whole DrakeNier franchise afterwards, and BOY was it a wild ride! Totally a huge fan now.

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>sorry you have to play all the nier games and drakenguard games to understand it
No, you do not.
Every single DrakeNier game is a STANDALONE STORY, that simply share the same history. If anything, Nier Automa is a GREAT starting point for first-timers, because you can ignore all the implied legacy, and focus on the game and its own strenghts. Even the plot and themes hit harder when you tie them to OUR world and history.

Like said, don't listen to user above.
It's a sad fact, but clearly this game's a lost case for you. Pearls to pigs.

>just play the game 3 times before it gets good, man

I've played until I unlocked the fast travel functions and a lot more. It's still hasn't caught me, so I guess it's just not for me.

Because it got announced for the switch, now the game is bad. You didn't even last a week before trying this.

I liked it for the characters, but I still have no idea what the story or the ending was about. So the humans are dead, and so are the aliens, and the ugly machines want to be alive? Ok? Who's stopping them? Why does Yohra need to pretend the humans are alive? Why don't they just go back to Earth like they all want? Who and what the fuck really are the twins?

I've had the game for several years and I didn't even know that it got announced for switch since I don't pay attention to consoles for the last 15 years.

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How can you play this game 10 times and yet only play for 5 hours? That is some of the most retarded attempt at experiencing a game I've ever seen. Twice or thrice, maybe, but 10?

Japanese is a very literal language, Hiro doesn't know what he's implying.

I exaggerated, and only the last time was for 5 hours. The other times were probably 1-2 hours.

I've probably played through the starting section 4~ times in the past before getting bored and shut it off to do something else instead.

I want to like the game and see what everyone else sees in it, so I hope someone her can tell me what they enjoy about the game so that it somehow rubs off on me.

it's an okay action game with pretty characters and a nonsensical story

hehe, cope more little weeb

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>just play the game 3 times before it gets good, man
Nice headcanon, but who are you quoting?
There's no "replaying the game" meme here. That belongs to Gestalt/Replicant, and considering you're already aware of that joke, I smell a small b8 ITT.

Nier Auotmata is a linear story with clear chapters. The ONLY even remotely "replay" like part would be the B chapter, which essentially cover most of the A chapter's events from another character's point of view, fleshing out and recontextualizing just about everything. It's more akin to Resident Evil 2's characters' A and B campaigns than a 1:1 revisit, easily a good 2/3 of it is brand new, more interesting content.

>I've played until I unlocked the fast travel functions and a lot more
That's really not "a lot more", to be perfectly honest. Not even half way through the A chapter.
I know I'm a huge exception within the sea of ADHD zoomers nowadays, since I do automatically go off the beaten path and explore every nook and cranny before doing anything even remotely obligatory/story relevant, but even many first-timers get that far within the first couple hours. Which ain't even halfway through chapter A.

Look mate, there are, or at least used to be, dozens of different kind of game genres and sub-genres, many which did not appeal to everyone.
Nier Automata is such game. If you absolutely loathe atmospheric titles like Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Ico/SotC, or even the oldschool 3D Zelda games, Nier titles wont' be your cup of tea.

I could sing songs of praise for this game all day and night, but if you're not even remotely interested and enjoying yourself yet, then stop torturing yourself.

To me, this is one of the greatest games since Ocarina Of Time. An beautiful, emotional experience that truly moved me.

Only a dimwit could call the story "nonsensical".
Also, it's an action-RPG game.

If you get bored in the starting section, then don't even bother. I don't know what kind of games you normally play but if you're already bored at that point, then it's simply not the game for you

I heard the story doesn't make sense unless you watch some theater play that ran in Japan a few years ago

Maybe it's just not for you.
There are a bunch of games i didn't like that this board likes.
Tons of people I know that aren't weebs love it. I don't even like 2B or ass and loved the game.

You just have shit taste, it's incurable.

The robot has a really good ass. I mean a REALLY good ass. Probably the best ass in all vydia.

Lmao filtered

only a midwit would call it deep or meaningful.

>The true finale elevates it to a form of art.
lol, what a faggot

>If you absolutely loathe atmospheric titles like Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, Ico/SotC, or even the oldschool 3D Zelda games, Nier titles wont' be your cup of tea.

I love all those kind of games, but I dislike this one. I don't feel like they are similar at all.

Low IQ chuds like you will never be able to appreciate or understand art.

Nothing to do with anime - the game is universally lauded by academics, philosophers, musicians and artists. The game is an exploration of the human condition, a subversive statement about video games, plus a work of art in terms of aesthetics, with one of the best soundtracks of all time.

Guess who don't like the game? Low brow retards like you who just want to shoot things. It's not a game worth playing for the gameplay

Like I said, you're a low brow retard and you will never ever understand this game.

Maybe i just love the game because im a sucker for romance stories and this is a great one.
What i can give to the haters on this game is that Taro is a fucker por putting vital information on other media. Hes also a sellout post the making of this game

>The story is pretty good, but it's the game's themes, message, the overall "subtext", that hits surprisingly hard. Whether or not you understand or care about it is another topic matter. To crudely simplify it all, it's a tale that celebrates humanity in all of its forms.
I hate you 12 year old weebs so fucking much. You're the sole reason why this medium is so fucking shallow and retarded.

Only a school-dropout American redditor, AKA a dimwit, would use such a meme term like "midwit", as if being within the average range would be a "bad" thing.

Nier Automata actually has a clear message and meaning, and it delivers it beautifully, utilizing the gaming's unique, interactive nature. It both criticizes and celebrates various aspects of life, gaming and humanity, which all takes it several steps above most other media products in general.

>I don't feel like they are similar at all.
And this is why I said that Automata is a lost cause for you. To me, Nier plays in the exact same Hall Of Fame ballpark as all those games mentioned above.

You really have two choices here:
Either stick with it and finish it in one sitting, not giving in to your weird urges to drop it and do anything else (including shitposting on the 4chin channel), and then form your honest opinion,
OR just drop it and forget it ever exists.

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