I loved all the Yakuza's from 0 - 6, and I kind of don't like this one at all. What the hell was everyone raving about?

I loved all the Yakuza's from 0 - 6, and I kind of don't like this one at all. What the hell was everyone raving about?

Attached: yakuza 7.jpg (616x353, 108.57K)

gameplay was shit but it was still good. What projects do you think RGG studio is working on other than Y8?

it was probably an actual psyop
i have no idea how secondaries and tertiaries could enjoy this game, or how anybody on Any Forums who isn't a troll or mentally ill didn't call this game out on all its flaws
>dogshit story even by yakuza standards that changes plotlines constantly and ends up worsening each time
>horrid gameplay based on grind, tedious combat and sudden difficulty spikes
>substories and minigames are turned into what a y0 player would find funny or entertaining
>content locked behind DLC with the jobs (not an issue if you pirate)
>backpedalling on the promise of fully voiced substories after yakuza 6
the worst part about it is that there aren't any competent balance mods to mod the game from the start a la STALKER, it's all just retards on nexusmods making unnecessary difficulty changes or modding in characters

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Deleted it today. I spent over 80 hours on it, and would have to spend countless more hours farming rare bugs. Unlike Bruce PC Willis, I played on a PS4, so the grind was far worse.

The story is fine but the gameplay sucks, I liked the side content and the mini games. I think if they stick with jrpg combat it will be refined and better in the future

Weird how I'm the opposite. Hated the Kiryu games but loved Ichiban's game and am quite looking forward to the next one.
I can understand why people didn't enjoy it though.

You played 7 games that you hated?

i like rpgs but hated this game. i think there was a lot that was weak about the story (although i liked it overall), the environment and side stuff felt sort of lacking, and the gameplay itself was poorly designed.

Yeah, figured it would click eventually but the Kiryu games just kind of left me wanting. I gave up on 6 part way through though because I realized I don't give a shit about any of those characters.
I can say that the original PS2 versions of 1 and 2 are infinitely better than the Kiwamis though, have no idea what happened.

Pisses me off how the fight system started off as a brawler but someone made the rpg mechanics as an aprils fools that was 'so good' that it stuck and became the new system for the game.

Same for me. Dropped after 10-20 hours

It was a literal April Fool's joke that got memed into being real.

Should have been an anime

It's not so bad. At least it made something fresh, since the dragon engine in YK2 and Y6 sucked ass, but at least Y6 had a great story for it's defense.

Liked it, finished it, only pain point for me was that some jobs felt really underpowered

>dogshit story even by yakuza standards that changes plotlines constantly and ends up worsening each time
what the fuck are you on about? The game is consistent about what it's about and themes. It's about Ichiban getting dropped to rock bottom and climbing back up to his daddy. There is no "changing" plotlines. You must not have consumed any media if different story arcs somehow tick you off. Also fuck off, majority of yakuza games are significantly worse than 7 in terms of narrative.
>horrid gameplay based on grind, tedious combat and sudden difficulty spikes
There is one place in the story where you need to "grind" (which just means completing a combat arena) for about 30-40 mins, otherwise there is no need, unless you are a retard using shitty party/job compositions.
>substories and minigames are turned into what a y0 player would find funny or entertaining
trying too hard to seem like an oldfag, side content has been mostly wacky for a lot longer than 0, and minigames as sidestories have always been mostly wacky, like Kiryu's taxi driving.
>backpedalling on the promise of fully voiced substories after yakuza 6
Good, yakuza 6 substories were massively limited by the need of having voice acting in all of them.

The gameplay gets dull from roughly the halfway point, but narratively its probably the most entertaining one they've done

Y6 has Haruka getting chinked

That’s why Kiryu disowned her and made Daigo his son

I liked the start, but lost interest around the halfmark (when I felt like I had to push the moneymaking minigame). But after a break I came back to it and finished it and the end was absolutely worth it. The last 2 or 3 chapters were simply amazing and the ending was a well placed gutpunch.

it's some of my favorite turn based combat and the character and voice acting is great. this is really the only yakuza game that i love, but it's also the first one i played.