Remember P2W is good and actually consumer friendly

Remember P2W is good and actually consumer friendly

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what do people gain from defending multi billion dollar companies that dont give a shit about them

How do you want free apps to monetize, user?

> you aren't hardcore gamer if you don't consoom
absolutely mindraped

fuck free apps
just have demos for real games so i can decide if i want it or not

Dopamine hit

Sell them like real video games. I'd have tried Elder Scrolls Blades and Diablo Immortal if they were real, normal games.

>location: europe

You just know he's a bootlicking holol

>make them "real" games so I can pirate them
yeah okay

people pay to win?
how sad do you have to be.

It's like the fat kid in a football top talking about ''''their team''''. We all knew this is where it'd end up when people kept saying 'vote with your feet not your words', and 'they're a COMPANY they have to be fucking scum on all fronts to stay in business'.

I dream of a world that I don't have to share with the average consumerist lobotomite.

I mean right now pirating a private copy and hacking them to break the thousands of dollar walls is the only viable way to play them.

ask console fags
they are still doing it for some reason

yeah piracy is SO bad rn that literally no one makes money by making games
*cough* vampire survivors *cough*

>bro stop saying this game is p2w bro you can get everything you can pay for for free you just need to grind of a few hundred hours !

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Oh so they should release unfinished early access games instead. got it

Okay shill

its called trolling and this is an almost guaranteed way to get a bite.

>another "Any Forumsv gets mad that people with more money than them spend it in a way they don't like" episode
Tiresome. Get a job

EA is also an anti-piracy measure, since you need to constantly need to be patching the thing. its a marketing tool and youve fallen for the damn thing.

>what do people gain from defending multi billion dollar companies that dont give a shit about them
The feeling that they know better than the majority, while in some cases they're just paid shills or affiliated in some way with the company they're defending, but most of the time they're just blind fans because x company makes their favorite product.

A need to justify to themselves that they spent their money and time correctly.

They also think it makes them more 'mature' because they think any criticism about a game is entitled and childish (but spending thousands on games is not)

>The feeling that they know better than the majority
The majority likes mobile games though. You are in the minority, the world doesn't revolve around you

>The majority likes mobile games though
Yes, but the majority don't like micro transactions, yet a lot of those same people pay for them anyway. And normies have become much more aware of predatory micro transactions than they were 5-10 years ago. But, yes, I guess it's not a clear majority, could be half-half at this point.