For me its the commando

for me its the commando

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For me its cod.

Love my fuckin bug helmet.

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Based taste. Reach is still the best Halo entry.

I keep going back there guys. In my dreams I return to the old maps. Last Resort, High Ground, Avalanche, Snowbound, Ghost Town. All of them. I return, and I am alone. All I have are the memories of the past, the customs of a dead culture.
I want it back. I need the 360 network back. Life hasn't been the same without it.
The soul is not in MCC, before someone says it. If I go up to an enemy player in a warthog and honk, he won't get on the gun and turn us into a teamkilling duo as was custom. Instead he shoots you or throws you out of it and keeps going. It's just gone now.
Do I kill myself and hope I return there?

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baste choice
i just want to be spaceman

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same except I use MARK V on the right shoulder.

Those shoulders look retarded, CQC shoulders are more practical

Even though they’re more elaborate, better graphically, and have more customization but why does it feel so soulless compared to bingos designs.

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design>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>epic graffix


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>tfw immediately heard this in my mind with the earrape shooting and helicopter sounds

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how is it that a game that is over a decade old has a better customization system than a game that is less than a year old?

Based and thank you

>only bloodgulch 24/7 has magnums turned off on MCC rn
>no (0) halo 3 CTF 24/7 servers
>bext to no halo 2 servers period

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>new mombasa...

Attached: blocks your path booty kid beach black.webm (608x1080, 840.25K)

>john, aka "master chef" 117's first contact with the sangheili horde

>kill all honky bitches
>that's my official instructions

arbiter circa 2001

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Because it's limited behind a timed event, rather than doing a challenge like in halo3

Halo 3 is popular enough in matchmaking to make regular gamemode servers kind of unnecessary for most of the playerbase.

I wish army looked like that