Sunbreak waiting room

Any second now!
>boob armor and complex controls driving gender-neutral journos insane
>all the best Monster Hunter bosses with the most modern design philosophy and technology
>new locales are some of the best and comfiest
>almost nothing getting between you and just fighting monsters
>no forced story focus, linear progression and mind-numbing grinding

Get hyped, get speculating

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Bros, I can't wait anymore. Where is it?

IT'S NOT IN MY LIBRARY. Is this normal?

Back-up your saves, anons.

Attached: 20220626_070524.jpg (1000x2060, 366.6K)

where are they located?

>franchise does your favorite monsters justice after 8 years
feels good

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How and why?

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No thread without Mercedes ass

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OP, you're a bit mean-spirited, but
Are you ready for Sunbreak?

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Location is:
>C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(Your Steam ID)\1446780\remote\
You should back them up because Capcom already fucked up some saves back when Iceborne launched on PC.

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Need mods to make Fiorayne go around bottomless on follower quests.

IG Chads, REMINDER to take the Recall Kinsect pill. It got buffed. Also, the normal descending finisher is just as satisfying as the dive because it hits multiple times

Attached: slick af.webm (1280x720, 2.28M)

Thanks, but wasn't that because they were on the MT fucking framework and not the REEEngine?

That Iceborne fuck up hit me, I had to restart from scratch.



Jap programming

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Makes sense, but...
Why the womb tat?

Is Harvest Moon actually great or not? I want to like it in the demo but I see no damage difference

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Because my god is it sexy, even if trashy.

Because it is mega coom

Womb tats are transcendent

I doubt doubt that, but how tf does it relate to shitty Jap coding?

So, I'm only on 3 star mission on Rise on PC. Do I need to power through the rest, or can I skip to Sunbreak stuff?

>LScucks get a wage cage
>Everyone else can draw aggro and laugh at them
Stinkminks now have A PURPOSE

You have to power through up to HR7 and beat Narwa.

If you have more than 0 hunts with LS you need to stay the fuck away from my bugstick.

You're this new? It's just a picture to coom to, bub.

I used the longsword and i'll use the insect glaive too.
There is nothing stopping me from playing all of the weapons.

>the most modern design philosophy and technology
So is skating on the dirt some kind of new technology I am not aware of? Weird. I could have sworn it was basically a mobile game. But I guess we better ignore that.

Rise is completely empty compared to World.

>Gathering hubs? Gutted in rise to 4 max. No fun allowed.
>Housing? Gutted in Rise. Reduced to shitty toys, no furniture customization at all.
>Fishing? Gutted in Rise. Just press a button to get fish.
>Monster research? Removed in Rise.
>Endemic life? Removed in Rise.
>Felyne tribes? Removed in Rise.
>Buddy gadgets? Removed in Rise.
>Tailriders? Removed in Rise.
>Pendants? Removed in Rise.
>Treasure hunts? Removed in Rise.
>Steamworks? Removed in Rise.
>Guiding Lands? Removed in Rise.
>Big collab events? Removed in Rise.
>Poogie? Removed in Rise.
>Food? Removed in Rise. Eat your candy balls for babies.
>Monsters? It only has 17.

Now they're removing features from base Rise and putting in NOTHING to replace them. What were they even doing during development? Not adding more monsters than Iceborne, that's for sure. They've done nothing, just phoning in the most lazy cash grab ever.

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Bugstick and GS and SA are the new LS now, sorry to say.

>>Monster research? Removed in Rise.
Incredible change.

Is teostra's kaiser x caped armor in the game? Please respond

>conveniently leaves out the dozens of good things it added
>complains about fucking poogie
Yeah this seems about on par for a worldfag

>have a wirebig whisperer 3 quick sheath 2 with 2-1-0 slots
The game is telling me something, and I'm still not doing it

What good things?