Western game

>Western game
>female love interest is not a virgin

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>men having sex with tons of women good
>women having sex with tons of man bad

You can't physically tell if a girl is a virgin BTW.
>but in my hentais!
LOL, you actually think hentai is real.

You're still a virgin past 21? Lmfaooo bruh moment

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>have virginal sex
>expect the most amazing, mind-blowing and passionate sex of my life
>it was awkward as fuck and was over way too soon instead

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this but unironically


Just check the hymen

Won't tell you anything.

It tells you she hasn't been penetrated

who the fuck wants an awkward inexperienced virgin girl besides incels? i don't want to have to teach my wife how to have good sex. if she's fucked a few other guys before me, i just consider that a good warmup for our relationship.

Weak bait

you are an incel and if you ever told anyone you refused to date a girl because she has been in a sexual relationship before, everyone will think you are a freak

everybody not retarded or hideous was getting jerked off on the bus in middle school and banging whenever you timed up an empty house in highschool. Even the nerds with the (usually fat) nerd chicks were doing it. Not sure how you could want sex yet go so many years around horny teenagers and not get it. You'd have to be an extremely unbearable or dense person

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I like how you say "if" because you will never get married

>Western game
>female love interest has already had sex with male love interest

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>not losing your virginity in high school

I was both Varsity Lacrosse and in the MtG club white being 5'6" and still got laid at 16.

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Sorry, anime logic isn't real.

Explain how I'm wrong or cope

Explain how you're right or cope.

Name ONE (1) virgin.

>no u
Seems pretty self explanatory if you know what a hymen is

Damn, some cope there. Glad you threw in the towel.

When I match with a virgin woman on online dating I unmatch her. Being a virgin after a certain point is a huge red flag.

We get it you're a cuck

>men having sex with tons of women bad
>women having sex with tons of man bad
>men and/or women having sex tons of times with me good

Reading or hearing the word virgin triggers my PTSD

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Yes, men don't want to be tied down by just one woman and women are better off staying loyal to one man.
>noooooo that doesn't make sense reeeeeeee
Yes it does, biologically. Men stay fertile for far longer than women, they have time to sleep around. Women need to secure a partner fast before they dry up if they want to have kids.

Sure is summer

No, he's right. It sucks.

t. Former manwhore who dated a virgin and had to spend almost a year teaching her how to fuck.

>Western game
>Characters adds meta-snarky dialogue when talking
MCU was a mistake.

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The only people that care about virgins are the faggots that feel inadequate enough to take on somebody with experience. OP either has a small dick, or is intimidated with fucking.

Also, fuck off to faggot.

>All previous generations of humanity were just incels!
You're just a degenerate of his own time and headed for hell. Along with your wife.

>caring about "purity"

I really hope you're underaged. That mindset is just pitiful in a grown man.

Every single woman who had sex and her first sexual experience wasnt with her husband should be gassed

Why would I want something that has had another man's cock inside it? Would you drink water another man put his dick inside?

Terrible analogy. Also, all water is recycled, and has had some form of male dick in it at some stage. You’ve had manmeat water in your mouth in your lifetime, faggot. But most importantly, you came out of your mothers pussy, and I guaranteed that had more than one cock in it before you were born.

Just like that, your argument falls apart, and you’re the son of a whore in your own words. Whoresons get no opinion, and you’re going to hell along with your whore mother.