You unsubbed?! You unsubbed?! You said this game was eternal and it's NOT AHAHAHAHAHA

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I have never subbed in the first place
Free trial 4 lyf

>the vid of the butts thread got nuked before this one.

Add content and I'll resub.

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baldy bros....

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I beat all the extra content with the free 4 days they gave. What the fuck do people do in this game that warrants a sub? Seems like people with mental illness hover around it and takes pictures of themselves in some lewd mod.

once they make it fully singleplayer i'll resub
my server became the streamer server so its pretty much hell

he just wants to to react content now.since it's easy and does well.

>nah dooood, playing video games is way easier than reacting
>also I don't like doing anything difficult

reminder that ffxiv lost

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it's kind of sad actually. xiv community and squeenix themselves rolled out the red carpet for him. he talked how amazed he was that the stream snipers got banned when blizzard never did anything. he got on the endwalker media tour despite only playing for like 2 months meanwhile everyone at blizzard hates his guts. got to interview yoship who knew about his situation with his mom to offer his condolense while his interview with ion was so awkward and un-personal and probably only happened because bliz saw SE do it. and now he's just burning the bridge over stupid drama or whatever. guy is the biggest Blizzard simp out there despite acting like he isn't

I need a quick rundown

from 2006, I believe my total of sub is just 9 months, usually I sub two months per expansion and I do the rest in the free logins, if you are a casual player the content is very repetitive, I never had a relic and my second month of Endwalker I got the paladin one from Heavensward and the DRK from Shadowbringers and I don't want to do that shit again

The patches barely have content for casual players, I finished all no griding content from 6.1 in less than a day

>Make announcement hyping up he will play FFXIV
>Spend 6+ hours reacting
>Play XIV maybe 1hr
>Yesterday said he MIGHT play
>Same react all day
>People got aggravated
>Bans all criticism

-announces he's returning to FF and only plays for 1 day
-keeps putting FF in stream title and never playing it to bait people
-bans people who complain, says people complaining just make him not want to play
-streams are now 6 hour intros of him reacting to videos about how bad Diablo Immortal and Lost Ark are. 1 hour of game at the end
-gets so pissed off he says he's quitting FF due to 'toxic chat andies and how his subrediit just gets filled with FF threats' despite the fact it's nothing new and happens with every new game he plays so it comes off like he just doesnt want to play FF specifically and looking for an excuse

I already got the all the Garo gear, I had no reason to stay subbed

Bros, why can't 6.18 come sooner, I'm 3.8k and tethering on the brink of not getting my top 100 portrait

How do we get kiwifarms to fuck with him?

Asmonfuck owns me $20 because I world hopped out of Cactuar when he started playing.

>he just doesnt want to play FF
who does really? game is dead with no content until 6.25

>mongoloid didnt quit
>all those falseflag operations were for naught
Disappointing really

He still has three expansions of content to go through before even getting to that

>says he's quitting FF due to 'toxic chat andies and how his subrediit just gets filled with FF threats'
i hope he quits

He hasn't finished Stormblood, hasn't started Shadowbringers or Endwalker, and has like 40 raids and boss fights he would need to do to be "caught up" to the point where he would be concerned about no new content. At the pace he's going (if he keeps playing altogether), the next expac will be here by the time he is current.

Am I the only one that thinks FFXIV already peaked in popularity?
Last year was his peak, because it was the end of this first story and because asmongold, the game got more players than ever.
But now I don't see how a new expansion can bring new players, I don't think the graphics update is enough

Lmao it's literally eceleb general hahahaha what happened XIEVEfags?