What the fuck is going on?

What the fuck is going on?

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Shit update. Dead game.

it truly was a wild update.


The game doesn't need updates. It need the mod API.

A small amount of content that takes years to be implemented by a multibillion dollar company.

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game it literally unplayable because the crack is 32 bit only

>more content is le bad
How do you manage to tie your shoes in the morning user

>Update the game as little as possible, with the least amount of effort as possible for the maximum amount of profit
>Unironically allow Microshit to start playing Stasi even on private servers owned by other people
>Openly admit that there will be plenty of false positivies
Imagine playing a game where you get banned for something innocuous that's taken out of context on your own server that you're paying for lmao

>Pump the game with microtransactions
>Get slows as fuck updates that add literally nothing
Can't wait for Hytale to come and rape this corpse of a game.

there is so much more and better content in modpacks from older versions i don't know why anybody updates at all

MS cares more about playing Big Brother than actually developing the game

How about games like Vintage Story or Minetest?

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If only he didn't sell...

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I don't blame him for selling the game. I blame him for being retarded and get MARRIED after being a billionaire and then lose his money because of the divorce

>thinks microtransations are a bad thing
>is hyped for a game made by the same retards who forced Mojang's hand into modifying the EULA because of their server's hyper-predatory shop
>and are now being forced to make a mobile port by Riot/Tencent

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>been playing since creative was the only mode in an SS uniform skin i made myself
>no one knows because im always decked out in full ichorcloth

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I am still amazed by how """people""" are shocked by the turn of events. It was painfully obvious by the forced migration.

they've did their yearly update where they add One mob

Vintage Story is pretty kino, ran a server with some friends last year. It could do with better combat and more hostile monster kind of mobs since the only ones are drifters. Yeah there are animals though those are good but I mean like zombies or something.

Will never ever come out

you wouldn't beleive your eyes
if minecraft's fireflies
were axed as i fall asleep
cause they cause real frogs to die
and leave dead pet frogs everywhere
you'd think this stupid, but wait there's even worse

i'd like to make myself beleive that mojang did nothing wrong
it's hard to say whether it's microsoft, or mojang that messed up
cause everything is never as it seems

cause i'd get a global ban
from a single edgy joke
as they took it out of context
an anvil above my head
a bear trap beneath my bed
a sword just hanging by a thread

i'd like to make myself beleive that mojang did nothing wrong
it's hard to say whether it's microsoft, or mojang that messed up
cause everything is never as it seems

leave your eyes out of my chat
please get away from there
cause i feel like you've gone too far
please get away from there
why do you care about my words
please get away from there
you look far too like the minitrue

to whom it may concern
remove global moderation
i got angry eye as they said "you're banned"
but i know you might not care
about your censorship
but at least i'll play on old .jars

i'd like to make myself beleive that mojang did nothing wrong
it's hard to say whether it's microsoft, or mojang that messed up
cause everything is never as it seems

The best thing Mojang could do now is just end support for Java edition, let the modding community fix the game and finally make it reach its full potential. As of now the best version is still 1.12.2 because modders have been having to play catch up from one minuscule update to the next

No, Mojang will lose hold of "the biggest sandbox game" eventually.
Someone will make something better.

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>saw a can of pringles in the store advertising something called "Minecoins"

Im sorry Stevebros...


I've got some time to kill this evening,screenshot the store gents just how bad is this "store" of playable mods

does it have the old john smith pack or pam's mods,what about x-rays

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honestly i wish every main update didnt split the modding commuinty so much, its annoying. esp since 17/18/19 where all trash updates.

there is now like 3/4 branches now

>john smith pack
a lot of the texture packs are in bedrock, hell some of them are known to be stolen