What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Sony shooed away Toyama and Ueda instead of funding their new projects.

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which was forced into an era of "perfect consoomers" after the industry-orchestrated gamergate. gamergate was all about pushing away the older audience who knew too much about games in order to usher in an era of superhero movie nerd trenders; whose trend was booming early-last-gen which was right before gamergate

>tfw GR3 never ever

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The games sold well and were received well but didn't sell "well enough" which is a horrible policy.

games were too fun and interesting

They made niche games that sold poorly and paid the price.

Those games didn't push the (((agenda))).



Their only good games were with FromGODware
They couldn't make anything not shovelware-tier on their own

sony on california

not woke enough

California had no impact on their games. It's not any western studio's fault that Japan Studio was reduced to a glorified production support company by the 2010s. Most of their games flopped and Sony didn't see a reason to keep them around.

Owned by Sony

Sony wanted to shift towards big budget projects and forgo a lot of their more niche titles. Sadly, this made Japan Studio an easy target combined with Sony's shift to a more Western focus.

not enough niggers to push down our throats

The heads of Team Siren, Team Ico, and Project Siren left to go start their own studios. Team ASOBI was the only team still left at Japan Studio so Sony turned them into their own studio and sent the rest of the staff to XDEV's Japanese studio.