Owlcat's 40k cRPG

>only 8% of players beat Kingmaker
>only 12% of players beat WotR

Why are Owlcat so fucking bad at making games that are actually fun for anyone who isn't autistic enough to power game? I'm not even halfway through Wrath and can already see why over 80% of players wouldn't put up with it. CRPGs made by people who have never once DM'd

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>Filtering normies and gatekeeping their game so only based autists keep playing
Best dev studio by a long mile

Can't wait for Kerillian (Eldar) to insult everyone everywhere I go.

Owlcat are shit because their idea of fun is you NEED to make a boring broken build to have fun and they are so inept at enemy encounters the only way they can think of to make shit challenging is inflating the enemies stats and putting in more. Just look at the first DLC for Wrath.
>Level 20 and mythic Rank 10, literally a demigod (or if you went legend, a level 40 character which is even more absurd)
>Basic bitch enemies still give you a hard time despite this
If you like build autism you'll enjoy their games but if you just want to focus on the roleplaying of a role playing game, fuck you.

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Are you excited for your used goods sister of battle waifu anons?

>See dead guys.
>Sleep expecting boss battle.
>I get railed.

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Kingmaker and WotR are some of the first games I genuinely said 'fuck it' to and set the difficulty to story, despite my rule of trying to play most games on harder or hardest difficulties. The combat is the absolute worst part of the game, generally the least important part of any CRPG, and is just the vehicle to take you from point A to B in the story while keeping you invested. Pathfinder in general, but Owlcat games especially, demand you play the game in the cheesiest or most minmaxed manner not even to excel, but just to have a fighting chance. I couldn't justify reloading over and over while blowing 30 spells to pre-buff before fighting basic enemies, so these are the first games I just straight gave up on and turned the combat off so I could at least try to enjoy the only good part about them, the story and RPG elements.

>Sees corpes scattered around a campfire, with the game telling you their faces are scared shitless
>Decides to take a nap right there

this but unironically

I expected a boss, and I got the CEO.

Why is this a reoccurring trend with Owlcats romances? All of them bring up their ex or find some way to inform you they aren't a virgin, like Camellia knows after a murder getting a dicking calms her down.

What makes level 40 so absurd?

because those niggers just want to create characters and play a couple of hours with it
the entire fame of those shit games are about the autism of character creation

I'm having a blast. I hope I can finish it to improve your stats, OP :)

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Also, good timing on both fronts.

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There's a few who are virgins, but it tends to tie into the world/characters. Most of the people you meet or can romance are experienced adventurers or people who've been on the road and fighting for years. The youngest romanceable companion I can think of is well into their late 20s. Expecting people who are living day-to-day in a dangerous line of work to also be virgins or not having experienced lots of what life has to offer is a bit naïve, and unless it is a part of their actual lore (that one chick who believes in saving sex for after marriage if I recall) then there's not really must justification for them being inexperienced.

There's a guy in Pathfinders setting who was able with his powers trick an entire nation into believing he's a living god and let him rule over them. That guy is only lvl 19. The pen and paper version of Wrath (where you're fighting demigod level threats) the NPC companions who can join your party such as Galfrey or Anevia end the adventure at level 18.
Level 40 would be absolutely fucking insane in how strong it would be.
What's Mads alignment and party?

Those games are like 80+ hours so I'm surprised the stats are that high in the first place.

>What's Mads alignment and party?
Chaotic Good

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I really enjoyed Kingmaker, but for whatever reason I dropped out of WotR almost immediately after getting my powers.

A writer for sure has a fetish for it. The least you get is Galfrey telling you she kissed a knight one time but Galfrey's romance is shit because she's barely there for 90% of the game, and 5% of her time being present is malding over how you've shown her up that she starts looking for shit to strip you of command and everyone thinks she's being fucking stupid.

WTF I just realised I can fail the main quest

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Because they make games aimed at a certain type of player, people who genuinely enjoy classic CRPGs with a high difficulty, length and complexity, you fucking faggot.

I can understand having an issue with wenduag or valerie, but camellia just asks you to fuck her when you find her out, I don't think there is any intentional fetish apart from the fact that she's crazy and also wants to fuck the commander.
I also don't need to have sex to know I would like too.

One of my main issues with Wrath is it feels like they gimped the role playing to double down on the build autism. They never should have changed how alignments are. Before you could get a lot of responses that all march a specific alignment (you might get two different options that are just *attack bandits* but one might be LG and one CE because your doing it to either rid the world of bandit scum or just to satisfy your bloodlust) but in Wrath everything has to be broken into either Good/Evil, Lawful/Chaotic and as such feels more like stereotypes (chaotic is usually just being a dick to people, evil is just edge, good is a bleeding heart and lawful has a stick up it's ass) and then further impacted by the mythics locking you to certain alignments (which makes sense for some but I think a more neutral approach for a Lich for instance could be cool, instead of "undead MUST be evil" so you have to kill everyone instead of it being ends justify the means)

Yeah, in kingmaker you can fail the main quest at several parts in several ways, don't let big problems in the kingdom stay unsolved for too long or you'll be fucked when you least expect it.

No one plays their games for the story/writing, just build autism. When you reach level cap there isn't much point in keep playing.

Don't worry, 90 days is plenty of time to finish most of the content in the area and do the main quest. I think I had like 20-30 days left.
You'll run into the edgelord elf and lawtist girl later and imo the lawtist is more useful, she's a good tank. Base inquisitor class is kind of lame.

It's called "this character doesn't only exist as a checklist you have to work on until you have sex". You fags would complain about fucking Viconia these days as being "cuckshit". Maybe Mass Effect is more up your alley.

Their yes are insanely long bro

>there's a Patches cameo in the story mode dungeon DLC

I'm Tactical Inquisitor, just because it seemed right for my MadsMC

why are you obsessed with sex?

You literally have more choice in WotR than in KM in terms of choosing your dialogue options. Also the alignments don't really feel like stereotypes, since a (Good) choice can be quite different depending on what kind of Good you're going for and the writers reflect that, for example in the Angel of Mercy or Angel of Retribution paths.

I'm not, I am just responding to another user.
The romances are such a small part of the games anyway.

You literally just replied to a post making fun of people being obsessed with sex by asking why he's obsessed with sex.

None of the party members are likely going to be (good) romance options.
>SoB is likely to be celibate or at the very lest very conservatice about sex
>Psyker is unsanctioned daemonbait
>Eldar would either laugh at you oreave at the mere thought of sleeping with you

Don't worry, 90 days is plenty of time to defeat the stag lord.
There's one small but very useful piece of advice I'll just leave:
level up your kingdoms faith stat ASAP, doing so let's you do arcane shit and then build teleportation circles, letting you travel around the map much quicker and saving a lot of time.

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>tfw didn't even get the Kingdom in Kingmaker
I'm gonna pick it up again... someday.
After Tyranny, because it's the much better game.

I don't know jack shit about 40k setting. Are romances even possible in it? I thought it's just about burly men in ugly armor bolting space orks to death.