There's only one thing that's going to set you apart and let you succeed in life: it's the magic ticket they call...

>There's only one thing that's going to set you apart and let you succeed in life: it's the magic ticket they call 'talent'. And if you don't have it, then you're left to rot in despair. Game over.
He's right.

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>Man has the ability to make thousands of dollars in an afternoon
>Complains how he's poor and girls don't like him
Just kill Shadows until bitches fall for his stack of cash.

Talent is a cope for people not willing to work hard enough to get what they want. There's something to be said about a natural inclination towards something, but using it as an excuse to not try is pathetic.

If he had said "connections," he'd be right. As it is, he's a whiny bitch, because he has talent and still fucking complains

>Person has talent
>They fail in life anyways because because the person is too lazy to utilize it

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>Internally angry retard who acts like a derpy retard with a dumb expression, terrible posture and shit haircut
>Wonders why nothing goes well for him despite his "hard work"
I actually understand Adachi's struggle even if I cant personally emphasise with it. But its clear hes never had a true self reflection that has allowed him to understand why exactly he is in the situation he is in.
Honestly from my point of view hes a far better crafted version of Akechi P5

Yeaaahhhh that sucks but errrrr uh we're still gonna kick your ass though!!
*kicks your ass*

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>murdering women is bad because...IT JUST IS OK!?

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Why have they NEVER acknowledged the fact that you can do this in-universe
This shit should be life changing

Anything outside of the boss battles doesnt happen exactly as shown in the gameplay. Unless you think the dungeons would have chests in them for some reason and everyone stands around getting "shuffle time" where they watch (Yu) autistically pick out cards?

had adachi not gotten superpowers maybe he would have fixed his life after a little more time in inaba
but because he's just that pathetic, the guy goes full psychopath and even has the gall to justify his actions after a bunch of schoolkids try to stop him
what a waste of a character, honestly

Quitter cope
Talent is real but it isn't the be all end all to life
If you don't have talent just put the work in like most people. "Talent" isn't as prevalent as you think it is in most fields.
t. struggling artfag

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Luck can also be a big factor.

Talent doesn't mean shit if you weren't born into the right place at the right time so you have connections with higher places in the world, doubly so you need to know how to game the system in your favor. Honesty doesn't work. Never has, never will.
You'll get ignored over a boomer who lies and cheats about having "10 years of experience" in a field that's only existed for 3 or an immigrant who's willing to work for less than minimum wage because that immigrant was promised a lifestyle from where they're at, and by god, no matter how shit it actually is, they'll run with it to cope.

Will this cope ever get old?

Some will talk about how the mechanics are non-diegetic. To which I say, maybe Atlus shouldn't have used Yen as currency and make a Velvet Room-type place to buy things instead of the real world.

>Bro just talent

>Bro just work hard

It's both of these plus connections plus wealth plus pure luck. No amount of hard work is going to make me the next Elon Musk and, while it's easier to skate by on talent alone, you'll never realise your full potential if you're talented but lazy. The other factors also come into play to make success a complex equation, not a binary switch.

Segregation between gameplay and story.
It's the same reason the whole "Kaneshiro Debt" setup in Persona 5 doesn't acknowledge the sheer wealth Joker can have, you HAVE to follow the narrative that there's no way in hell it'll get paid off, thus you HAVE to change Kaneshiro's heart to get out of it.

Hard work alone is just as meaningless as talent alone. Everyone has a floor and a ceiling. If you're some low-IQ retard you can work hard all you want but you're still going to be restricted by your limited talents. I could spend every day running 2000 miles for the rest of my life, I'm never going to go to the Olympics. It's all an equation.

>work your ass off to catch up to the talented
>eventually plateau because you lack talent
you need both, unfortunately one group of people can't have that

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Its pretty funny in NG+ runs when characters start complaining about money troubles while the MC is just chilling there with millions of yen in his pockets.

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And even IF you're both talented and hard-working, you'll be eclipsed by people born into high status that haven't ever had to lift a finger in their life, but were given their position by merit of connections, inherited wealth and doting family threatening serious action or bribing those that could object to those people being where they are.
The whole system's fucked for everyone except the absolute top.

Yeah obviously everyone has their limits, but to use that or talent as an excuse to not even try is just pathetic. I enjoy fighting games but I know for a fact I'll never be able to compete with the pros, I work to get better regardless.
Either way you should be doing shit because you enjoy it, not because you're in it to make it big. If your motivator is the latter then you're gonna absolutely crash and burn.

Another thing is that Adachi couldn’t enter the tv and grind money. In universe Teddie is the only way out, and by the time the team is investigating Teddie would know if someone else entered. He probably wouldn’t be able to find Adachi, and therefore Adachi would die the next time the fog lifted.

>Playing P3FES recently
>Doing the Chihiro social link
>She can't afford to buy some cheap ass set of books and is force to resort to hiding them in the bookstore and coming back to buy them later piece by piece
>Meanwhile I'm just standing there with millions and millions of yen burning a dread in my pocket

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Ideally it should be out of love AND a desire to make it big. Those are the people who truly succeed. If you're just doing it out of love you run the risk of treading water and not applying yourself in practical ways.

They did my boy dirty
His motives are good enough but they're explained like shit. If Adachi had been a we live in a society joker type he would've been more appealing, but instead we get a mad bitter incel.

I know it's because he got retconned at last minute, but holy fuck, he was dissapointing as a villian, and he was too obvious too, since in the original P4 he didn't have a social link.

>So dood, who's le killer?
>The invesgation team
>Your social link

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>So dood, who's le killer?

>If Adachi had been a we live in a society joker type
he already is this

You can't pay him off for a weird route?
That sucks.
At least let me give him the cash to fight an empowered version of him since he'd have more money.

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I legit thought she was the killer because of that pic and because I'm a dummy.
So when I actually played P4 I kept trying to fucking analyze her behavior to see if I could spot the twist coming, and spent all of Heaven going "da fuck?!"

Nepotism > talent
Should've built up those social links, loser.

user you can't be serious
people don't actually get nanako'd, there's just no way

It happened. Habeeb it.

>he missed the true ending
You can't be that dense

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Obviously nepotism, looks, charisma and money beat everything, which also means. The world practically belongs to talentless, soulless douchebags who just blagged their way into positions of power by being charming and having a powerful daddy.

But he had no depth to his character, no one wronged him, he had no reasons to be as mad as he was. He murdered a woman because she didn't let him have his way with her.

>But that's based
Memes aside, not it isn't. If the women he killed had been horrible people outside of what they showed and he saw himself as a punisher or the sort, I would've been down with it.