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I found a faggot

>try co-op
>smooth assignement
>did second objective
>say gg
>nobody answers
'good community' my butt

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I have not made 1 (one) friend because of this game

>you have to add THEM

>make a minor mistake as a newbie
>people don't immediately call me a noob faggot nigger
>in fact they never do the entire match
Yeah, it's a good community alright. Compared to most other games out there.

>wanna dwarf
>my usual friend group are all occupied or asleep
>play with randos
>join three greenbeards as engineer
>just as my pod lands the last one dies
>Clear the rest of the wave singlehanded, reviving them all and salvaging the mission
>take charge, direct the group
>offer them small pointers on things, scout has never been paired with an engineer to platform for him, tell gunner how the shield can be used for emergency revive protection, show them how to spot gold chunks, how the radial burster on an omen is always directly across from the key, teach them that hacking events take longer the more nodes you use
>We make big bank on the mission
>build giant platform stairway to reach an idiotic drop pod spawn in the ceiling
>While exiting the mission they start thanking me
>"You have a really cool voice"
>Teach them how to mix flintlocks and wormholes back on the station
>glitch things out the windows
>finally bid gg and leave
>ignore their friend requests.

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>Everyspecial-of-the-day Challenge
The only challenge there would be not passing out from all the alcohol since all the buffs would make the mission a breeze.
With that said, I wish beers had some interactions, like drinking Arkenstout and Burning Love at once killing you from thermal shock.

>3 man haz4 extermination
>prospector next to cocoon
>me and other guy start getting rid of bot to be safe
>third guy smashes the egg by himself
>get wiped in a sea of shredders and fire
>get kicked in lobby

Probably shy newfags like yourself. Almost every game people say GG especially if you say it first.

>chat might as well not exist
>communication happens instinctively or through pointer
what are you talking about, this is the greatest community I've ever seen

What happens if you mix flintlocks and wormholes?

Step 1: order flintlocks
Step 2: Pick them up
Step 3: Don't drink them yet
Step 4: Order the wormhole while still holding the flint
Step 5: quickly drink and throw away your mug of flint, and grab your wormhole and start downing that
Step 6: Get lucky and get teleported outside, the flintlock momentum turns you into a flying missile
Step 7: Enjoy rocketing around space, firing around parts of the rig or literally through hoxxes and out the other side.

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That sounds cool thanks

Name a better feeling.

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>teach them that hacking events take longer the more nodes you use
600 hours and this is the first time i hear about this. i always play with a little excess of nodes because in the event that a detonator appears and blasts the nodes away youll now have a longer distance to cover with the same amount of nodes, and if you placed them as tight as possible youll not be able to reconnect them. placing them at about half distance, effectively using double the amount means that even if they get blown away, once they drop down theyll just reconnect automatically on their own because of the slack you left

you lot have some tips for ziplines in fights? tried setting them up to hover above swarms and pick them off but a nudge from the spitters knocks you off

Personally I rarely bother.

depends on the terrain and what guns you play. you can also try and pay some attention to the spawn pool each missoin. sometimes you get way more spitters and macteras than others, even outside mactera infestation. you also just need to learn to look around A LOT. dont expect your team to cover your ass, though they really should look out for spitters if they see their gunner on a zipline. or anyone for that matter. but youll have to do that yourself as well. other than that, put them at steep angles so you get the speed boost on the way down and avoid putting them above deep pits if you want to stay there to fight. should you fall youll fall to your death. also, if you cant kill a mactera before it sniping you, consider just dropping down yourself and eating the damage. the fall damage will be much less than the mactera damage eating your shield and the fall damage cutting off a large chunk of your HP if not outright killing you

First level of the deep dive was fucking CANCER. No shields + swamp + massive hoards of ankle biters. I fucking hate swarmers so much