Hero lives long enough to become a villain

>hero lives long enough to become a villain

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>ꜱoy is bad even though its common in asian foods
yes as in the whole asia

Still based

>he wants to look like the asian bugmen

It isnt. It's just out of shape chuds finding something to hate to make up for their lack of health

and most of them are 5'5 twinks

I've never had sex before

Don't take memes seriously. Onions is in a bunch of normal foods, hence why it's in onions to begin with.

it's not onions in itself it's the overly processed goy sludge created from it, just like natural almonds are good but almond milk is slop


What is wrong with onionsdrinks? It tastes good, real milks hurts my tummy and makes me sick. I cant help my neolithic ancestors made rice instead of animal husbrandry.

That's due to genetics and not their diet. Look up the karate nerd who is on a high onions diet and he looks like a beast

Considering that Minecraft worlds have surface area 5 times larger than Venus (and about as many times the diameter of Earth) I'd be pretty impressed if someone could find a way to render all that at once without melting their whole state.

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Onions isoflavones (plant-made estrogens) can bind to estrogen receptors in the human body, essentially giving you the equivalent of HRT

Afaik onions doesn't have anything to do with onions, it's a shitty "meal replacement" which is advertised as being some kind of "scientific solution to nutrition" to redditors
It's basically water mixed with sawdust and costs 50$ a bottle

>trust the science user

Basedbeans are fed to pigs to fatten them

Didn't ask.

>i fell for the most utter horseshit lie in history
Should we tell her about the yogurt?


he was atleast in the top 5 of minecraft youtubers, next to skydoesmc and captainsparklez

>asia subjugated by Europe
>5 foot cretins
>culture erased by Europe
>men look like women
Ye, I'm thinking laying off the onions is based