Jim Ryan

>I have to announce that Sony will no longer make consoles. from now on, the Playstation brand will be multi-platform

how you will react?

Attached: jim-ryan_jpg_480x270_crop_upscale_q85.jpg (480x270, 16.23K)

I won't buy their games on pc anyways it makes no difference to me.

where's Bloodborne

learn english esl kun

You get what you fucking deserve.
I'll pirate all their games on PC, of course.

>now I can pay for online multiplayer on pc too


>from now on
It already is, kek
That faggot and Hermen Hulst destroyed everything others built.

As long as you can buy it through Steam you can be sure that it'll work

Brown people making threads is always a laugh riot.

Wouldn't be a surprise at this point.
Dude is a spineless cuck that bows down to retarded shareholders, and those "people" just want more money as fast as possible.

I would not care

No one cares anymore, the true PlayStation fans already gave up on nu-Snoy. Just let that fag burn it all down at this point.

For me its the PS2.


Attached: sonyggers.jpg (394x534, 60.71K)

that would still be preferable to the status quo, sadly.

Probably a good decision, consoles have no future

So far nintendo is the only one that doesn't and will no longer produce home consoles. How did you react to that?

they basically already do this, do they not

Depending on how soon he does that my reaction will be i'm not surprised but I expected them to take a few more years to do it
my prediction is sony officially bows out of the console race early 2025

Usually I would not care, but this one would make me quite happy. I don't particularly care for exclusivity anymore, but after what sony did with the PS4 I want nothing more than seeing their fucking company die.