Despite being unfinished, Kotor 2 is superior to Kotor 1

Despite being unfinished, Kotor 2 is superior to Kotor 1.

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obsidian unfinished garbage

imagine killing all the souls of the first game just to make your political propaganda garbage.

we are still talking about this game 20 years later but they never released KOTOR 3... i don't get it

Proud to say I never played the first, only the second.

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Finish your English lessons and try again

KOTOR 1 is still good.

Nah. 1 is a fun classic Star Wars adventure. 2 is Chris Avellone sniffing his own farts.

What changes do you want to see to the remake?

>game is unfinished
>make it unfinishable so the player won't realise this

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>Proud to say I never played the first,
Imagine being such a loser that you are "proud" that you didnt play the first game, because some retrad on told you that the sequel is better.
You're missing out on a great game, because you want to be part of "the cool kids". You suck user

shit game from a shit language

Stop these useless comparisons and post best girl.

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I a point

Kotor 1 is typical bioware, very good vs evil and not terribly profound, but in that sense it is very true to the original Star Wars. These were just fun dumb adventure films for the masses

Kotor 2 is when you get a bunch of writers asking questions like
>What is free will when the force exists
>What are existential threats to the jedi outside of open extermination
>Do droids secretly control the entire Star Wars narrative
>How to best carry on the jedi order if the teachings were wrong
its a breath of fresh air but it's definitely unfinished and most of the "deepness" of kreia stems from the fact that she has 4 quadrillion lines and some contradict each other so you aren't given a straight answer like in the first game for a lot of her motivations. I also can't stand how the game kinda goes off the deep end in the final act and a lot of plot threads don't make sense even with the remastered patch

But the games are also super similar in the sense that I can never replay them without skipping the first level.

Kotor 1 is a good star warsy adventure game, if you liked the second game then it's well worth playing.

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Everyone knows it. If Lucas Art gave them just a litle more time they could have implemented a lot more content.

Early Obsidian was the peak of rpgs.

no one know it
this game ruined everything created by the first

boring characters,
boring planets
boring story

>missing out on the best gray jedi
>not romancing juhani or bastilla
>not knowing how dope revan's journey was
>depriving yourself of the fun narratives in all the planets

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>everyone wanted Obsidian's KotOR 3
>get Tortanic instead

Kriea tells you her motive: to free mankind from the force. She's an extension of Ravel from Planescape who would free The Lady of Pain from Sigil, and mortals from mortality, even if it causes metaphysical harm to the universe.

The concept's, enslavement to the fate of the force causes various harms, not least of which is rendering people puppets. Yet this structure may be a necessary part of the natural order which, if disrupted, would cause worse problems.

If you play a high Int character, she will even tell you she as Darth Traya at the start of the game.

KOTOR 2 compliments the movies very well. Especially the Prequels, since they share the themes of political bureaucracy and the hypocrisy of the Jedi. Also, as good as the KOTOR 1 soundtrack is, it doesn’t sound very Star Warsy.

I agree that most of KOTOR 1 is largely BioWare being BioWare too (really simplistic morality, ancient evil awakens storyline and so on).

Kreia contradicting herself and leaving it to you to unravel what the fuck she's even on about is like half of the game's fun. That being said, this makes for a game that's nowhere near as broadly appealing as the original game, so even besides the cut content it's easy to see why that one was more popular.

Also, Peragus isn't even bad, and you can get through it pretty quickly. Telos is boring as shit tho.

Got a clip for that last bit?

Why was Darth Nihilism viewed as a failure? He was consuming and thus destroying the Force as desired.

Why was he such wasted potential at the same time? Instead of Graytard being talked into An Hero, he should have been sapped.

Jon Bon Jovi isn't "gray", he's a Jedi that doesn't deal in absolutes. He abhors dark actions, but isn't so retarded as to say emotions are bad.

>Why was Darth Nihilism (lol) viewed as a failure?
Because he was eventually going to consume every single living thing in the galaxy if left unchecked? Kreia wants people to think for themselves, make decisions and grow through struggle, which is why she dislikes the Jedi and the Sith for their dogmatic views, and the Force for guiding everyone's fates or whatever.

Kinda hard to grow through struggle if everyone's dead, however.

you should not be proud of being a faggot sheep, user

nor for having a shit taste

I thought he was only targeting Force users to feed his hunger. I haven't played in a bit, but I don't recall incidents of him going after normies.

Jedi and Vesus' (? blind girl) people.

Kavar actually reminded me a lot of Prequel Obi-Wan— Easily the most “good” person on the council, but hamstrung by his insistence on adhering to the Jedi Code. Kind of wish there was a way to kill the more dogmatic members of the Council without the whole council turning on you.

>If you play a high Int character, she will even tell you she as Darth Traya at the start of the game

You don’t even need high Int. Just high Influence with her and a decent Persuade skill. Pretty cool how she basically spells out her whole plan to you.

>but I don't recall incidents of him going after normies.
well the personnel on his ships are all dried up husks, so it's implied he feeds on them too.

The gameplay is horrific in these games. Only retarded people who enjoy MMOs (the worst game genre) would like them.

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Kotor 1 is kino

waaaah why i cant i just swing my lightsaber in disneys jedi fallen order wahhhhh

fuck off dean

I didnt like Fallen Order either. It was boring as fuck. I had to force myself to finish it. The only good part was the opening level on the train.

I would have liked a KotOR game where you don't have to be a Force Sensitive

Yes the gameplay is bad. So what? The game offers more than just the combat.
Youre going to get the worst of both worlds in the upcoming remake so quit bitching and pre order that awful game

>Kind of wish there was a way to kill the more dogmatic members of the Council without the whole council turning on you.

Yeah same, when I was a kid doing my first ever playthrough I was trying to do the light side path but I somehow blundered my way into supporting Vaklu on Onderon, which locked me into a fight with Kavar, which locked me into a fight with the other two.

Also I don't get why they're suspicious if you kill one but aren't suspicious about Vash's death.

They're kind of fun to min max and larp with. I like using force jump too.

I like 1 more. 2 has too many "that level" moments. In fact, I'd say half of 2 is "that level" terrority.

No I don't bro, only memory.

You specifically need to pass an Int 8 check to gain and pass the dialogue option. To my surprise, high Intelligence helped more in conversations than the persuasion skill.

On-ship, if you ask her about her past and have the requisite Intelligence, you can accuse her of being a Sith and she will come out and say something like
>there was a Darth Traya and I have moved on from that but there must always be a Darth Traya.

There was a dude who uploaded most of the dialogues without captions on youtube. If you search for that he might have it.

Agreed. In a field where 3rd act betrayals are predictable and boring it was refreshing that your character could be smart enough to recognize what his boss was from the start, instead of needing to run around the whole game going
>durr I trust you completely
only to end with
>what? You were evil all along?! oh noes! You have tricked and betrayed me!