Is FF8 good?

Is FF8 good?

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it's fun to get completely broken using triple triad. Too bad the minigame has the fucking retarded rule spreading system.


If you're into cuckoldry, yes.

It’s fun but it is nowhere near the level of masterpieces like FF1/4/7/10. The combat system is strange and the draw system is broken. The story is average but the music is 10/10. You should play it if you are a Final Fantasy fan but otherwise you aren’t missing much if you skip it.


It's far from perfect, but also gets some undeserved hate. It seems opinions around here are more positive, but that could simply be based on how weirdly counter-culture this place tends to be.

FF8 was universally loved by fans and critics until a few years ago. I'm assuming YouTube is to blame.

this place is not counter-culture

it's flawed but excellent

Soundtrack is the best in the entire series imo. People shit on it but I say it's about the same quality as 7 and 9. It's literally the middle child of the PlayStation era games and probably my favourite.

>spend 10min per battle drawing spells
>never get to use spells or you lose stats

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Normie opinions tend to be trash so if they hate FF8 there is a good chance it is decent. FF8 is a good enough game to play through once but I wouldn’t consider it good enough to play twice. FF7 does everything better in almost every regard (except for the weird blocky characters) so I can see how back in the day FF fans would have a sort of whiplash from the decline in quality from FF6/7 to 8. Normies also tend to be unreasonably hateful towards things that are average, objectively speaking FF8 is a great game, but personally I don’t see the point in sinking time into a game that is nothing short of a little less than a masterpiece.

>It seems opinions around here are more positive, but that could simply be based on how weirdly counter-culture this place tends to be
Any Forums is often more Reddit than Reddit itself

It's real lucky that FF2 exists or it would be the worst FF.

Any Forums is reddit now since the Trump election and all those retard shooters name dropping Any Forums.

It's in the A tier of FF games.

You have the S tier games - 6, 7, 10, Tactics
Then you have the A tier games - 5, 8, 12, 10-2
Then you have the rest which aren't worth putting into categories because they range from mediocre (3, 4, 13-2) to downright awful (2, 9, 13-1, 15)

The characters, setting, and atmosphere are top class but the story feels like it was pieced together; strong start weak finish.

FF8 is great for escapist personality types, hence the suicide meme.

The weakest part of the story (the orphanage and everyone conveniently forgetting everything) is literally just a bad translation, similar to how Squall says whatever all the time in the translated versions.

it has that retarded Oblivion-style dynamic difficulty system where the best strategy is to not level up at all, just play triple triad, refine cards and win the game