What makes good gameplay?

What makes good gameplay?

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well obviously not webm related

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Actively engaging the player

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interactive environment
sense of freedom

if it's a shooter it should be fun to shoot

Ninja Gaiden has too many moments like this. It's as if they think the combat isn't good enough on its own and need to awkwardly stack an adventure game on top of it. I respect action games that keep it to a minimum or skip it all together.

little girl on the right is definitely seduced

Diversity and strong female characters, obviously

New Vegas has too many moments like this. It's as if they think the combat isn't good enough on its own and need to awkwardly stack a visual novel on top of it. I respect action games that keep it to a minimum or skip it all together.

bro got moves sheeesh

This never happens in the game.

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The God of War reboot is one of the worst third person shooters I have ever played


Engaging gameplay that relies on the player to do all the heavy lifting instead of the game
I rapidly fall asleep when playing games like Borderlands where you just follow a waypoint and kill the same group of enemies every ten seconds apart
But when I play games like Underrail or Kenshi I can play for hundreds of hours without feeling boredom because I'm left to my own devices on when, how and where I proceed
So long as I can take as much time as I want and go my own way without handholding or earpulling, it's a solid game

it has to feel right
I've tried so many games where they just don't feel right so it's an instant turn off for me

wow you must be so smart

I thought it was just that other walking sim vid. This is worse than I thought.

open world
third person
linear hallways
interactive cutscenes

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A counterpoint to that is that some games need a bit of an overarching objective to make the player interested and keep things moving along.
Look at Hitman, for example. You have one objective - "Kill that guy/girl/group/tyrannosaurus-rex/whatever right there". The act of how you do it is very open-ended. That lends to freedom, while keeping the player in line with a story and character, which definitely has its own merits.

"Walk to only to X and press only Y" is not freedom. It's a checklist.
Many modern games forget that, but having a set goal, even a vague one, can very often lead for a much more enjoyable experience for many players.

It's just someone beibg a deceiving fag. Just beat the game and never had to do this to progress

Die teen.


Not being published by snoy

You should respect ADHD medication instead

It's a feature which allows your shitty console to load a level without pausing a game with "loading" screen, stupid fucking open world gobbling ssd zoomers.
It's not there as a gameplay element, it's there because there is no other way to slow player down and allow assets to load without inflicting some unskippable chore.

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I would give my left nut to move like that.
I would give my right nut to have the confidence to move like that in public.

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If you think I'm smart because I don't like following waypoints and obvious markers when I'm playing a game and instead like thinking for myself then how fucking dumb must you be, exactly?
I'm thoroughly fucking average in every aspect
A goal is fine to have, like the older Hitman games when your goal was to kill a target, there was barely any hints or tips on how to do it, although there might be a symbol on the map showing you a point of interest to check out or your agency equipment drop, and in some games you could buy vague hints
Modern Hitman games where you have challenges clearly defined in the menu, multiple scripted methods to trigger and kill your targets, having them highlighted by shitty PIP cams or someone talking in your ear, having prompts suddenly pop up like LOOK! LISTEN! YOU ARE NEAR A THING! when you get within 10m of it is terrible though
Don't get me started on your ability to simply disable all that shit, that's a cop out - the game is designed around all of that handholding shit playing the game for you, and it doesn't function properly if you disable it, it hasn't been designed around you exploring without a guide at all
For another comparison consider the older Thief games and then Thief 4