Name a bigger loss of sovl

name a bigger loss of sovl

Attached: SOVL VS SOVLLESS.jpg (1280x720, 115.79K)


The skyboxes.

ITT: OP laments 100 coloured triangles

>New Elora has a better design but the texture work and model work makes her look like a fucking crack head
>An issue that isn't even present on the other Fawns in the game
fucking this

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she doesn't even look like a faun now, shut the fuck of

Then neither did the ones in Fracture hills you fucking gaylord.

>Spyro you dork that's my asshole
>No I didn't say stop ;)

Reignited is one of, if not the best, looking remakes ever. If the job was just to polish some PS1 games to make use of modern tech, they did it beautifully.

Some character designs are odd (why exactly change Elora's fox tail?), but that's going to happen when the designs you work with have pacman mouths and look blocky af. Even as PS2 rolled around they looked awful, and definitely needed some reworking.

One of the best looking, if not the best*

Coincidentally, some of the enter the dragonfly models look REALLY fucking good because the developers literally did not have time to redo the model entirely.

>fox tail
It's a horse tail, actually. And I agree that a lot of the old NPCs actually looked fucking awful- lots of muppet-mouth and it isn't a hardware limitation, Naughty Dog regularly made way more expressive and similarly cartoony characters with the same polycounts- but disagree that they're some of the best looking remakes ever. Visually, they're extremely sterile, with lots of the same 'everything is pastel cobblestone' that plasters every single fantasy game now, and carry over very few of the distinct color and texture rules of the originals.

>Reignited is one of, if not the best, looking remakes ever.
Tell that to Agent Zero and other obviously rushed elements that needed more polish.
>Some character designs are odd (why exactly change Elora's fox tail?), but that's going to happen when the designs you work with have pacman mouths and look blocky af. Even as PS2 rolled around they looked awful, and definitely needed some reworking.
No, the reason why so many models look weird is because the faggot artists decided they could do whatever they wanted to instead of looking at the original concept art and trying to translate it into the game with an overall cohesive art direction that supports those original design elements. They didn't even try to.

I want to marry a blue faun

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Why did they give her model to the outsource pajeets again? You'd think they'd do that with a random non-story important NPC not a key supporting cast member.

Yeah I don't even care that some npc fetch quest characters or freed dragons look weird, it is the fact main characters look like shit that is bad about Reignited.

I want to carry a blue faun.

It was meant to be a horse tail? Makes sense given the creature, I guess, but I always thought it looked fox-like.
I felt everything looked vivid and bright in a way that caught the OG's sense of magic and whimsy well. Even if the art style has been done by others, I felt Reignited just did it very effectively and that it worked for it.
I'm sure I'm also giving it points for how it looks compared to some other "remasters" (like GTA), but still.

Yeah, she was originally a centaur, then they realized the model would be too big/intensive or something, so they decided to make her a faun instead, because I guess horse and goat legs look vaguely similar in PS1 graphics. You can even see the erased second pair of legs in the old Insomniac concept art.
>I felt everything looked vivid and bright in a way that caught the OG's sense of magic and whimsy well.
I guess, but the OGs actually aren't that bright and vivid, as I noticed upon replaying recently. Sure, there's the occasional neon-green skies or bright pink gem roofs and such, but a lot of the time the environment is more desaturated, with particularly bright or vibrant areas used as contrast to the level geometry (the sky) or signposts (specific colored roofs, hallways, etc). On top of that, a lot of the actual texture work is surprisingly detailed, given the 'painted fable' look they were going for- one castle spire might have three entirely different types of rock face on it, which all tend to be turned into the same EVERYTHING IS COBBLE In the remake as they rely instead on the new lighting and shadows to make something look less obviously repeated.

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For me, it's Autumn Plains.

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