I played SOMA and liked it

I played SOMA and liked it.
Any other games that give you existential crisis?

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People always think about how to open a portal, but what if you figure out how to open it and then can never close it again?

Things like gravity, ozone, electromagnetic fields, light, all kinds of things would slowly leak out in a way that's not supposed to be possible ordinarily and it might eventually result in the entire solar system being fucked up prematurely


Well no shit. There's a reason the portal bait has never had an answer, the portals allow for all kinds of paradoxes.
Get two portals facing each other parallel to the ground and you can generate infinite energy off gravity.

Why do you assume that your consciousness is bound by some XYZ coordinates? Why would it disappear after your brain is relocated?

Because if you're exploded to pieces, you're still dead even if someone makes a perfect copy of you somewhere else.

Because your consciousness is a product of your brain and does not exist without it

don't @ me

nobody knows and few would want to take the risk I'd imagine

Neigh. Permanent residence in Equestria it is, then.


>t. never megadosed mushrooms in his life
brain is a radio not a computer

shut up barneyfag
dont mind him, hes a mentally ill barneyfag

>Why do you assume that your consciousness is bound by some XYZ coordinates?
Because everything we've discovered about the universe so far has been bound to space.

Interactive movie walking simulators are not games. Kill yourself low iq ugly manlet incel.

I don't think the true horror of SOMA is the existential crisis but rather the fact that we lie to ourselves when faced with horrible truth. Deep down back in his mind, Simon knows he is doomed, he is not going anywhere. But he invents himself a nice fairytale that gives him hope and a reason to live for a little longer. We do this all the time. Everyone you know and love will die. That's why it is meaningful to go on and find meaning.

If you want pure existential crisis, play Metal Gear Solid 2 right after you finish 1. It also has the same ending as SOMA in a way.

any weird ideas you had while on shrooms is just proving the point that your consciousness is a product of your brain. your brain malfunctioned because you put weird shit in your blood and you experienced consciousness in a way that you normally do not. you would not have had this "burst of insight" if your consciousness was not a product of the way your brain organ was currently functioning

>hylics are at it again
If you truly believe that a person is just a meat golem that happened by accident, you cannot claim you have a purpose in life without contradicting yourself.

>le epic gnosticism

keep seething while i enjoy all the games

purpose is something you give yourself. there not being any inherent absolute purpose to life does not mean your life is without purpose.

You are not generating infinite energy and this would solve itself in multiple ways. For example the energy density of the portal would decrease by the amount of energy it transfers. If you ever heard of Hawking radiation, what really happens is that the outside space is given energy and that decreases the density of the black hole, but the loss of curvature predates loss of density. The space dictates the fate of the black hole, as if the black hole was a hologram, a mere shadow posed on space, and because the space of one place gains energy, the space of the black hole loses it and its curvature with it, literally constricting the black hole object into nonexistence.

And what do you think gravity is? Mass is moving through the Higgs field and this generates force known as gravity. It curves space around itself. What it means in practice is that all roads of space lead to the center of the Earth more likely than elsewhere. This force is not generated out of nowhere and the laws of thermodynamics are in motion. Your portal would require energy, and would need energy proportional to the space it is removing the energy from.

You can achieve even more outrageous states with meditation. I know for a fact that I do not exist.


Star Trek converts you into energy and reassembles you, it is you that arrives, but it also breaks it's own rules and has that episode where Riker gets cloned.

mostly correct, but for the average 4chinner dumb shits you dont need to get into more details (you are the dumb shit btw)


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