The last 10/10 game

The last 10/10 game

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movies aren't games.

Pic unrelated.

Yeah, it's sad. I wish they wouldn't cuck you for going against exactly where they want you to be during the missions but other than that it's perfect.

that's not deep rock galactic

>"Now, Dutch. I might be a woman-killing, peasant-robbing degenerate, but at least I ain't no racist."

rockstar mission design is horrendous and the gameplay feels like you're playing someone controlling a puppet
>but muh graphix and horse balls

more like shallow rock
literally no one i know whos tried it actually liked it. a baby game if you will


a c-down c-up

Thats not Halo Infinite

Fuck off, Bonnie. You retarded cunt.



Halo died with Reach and you know it.


I like it and now you know me

Simulation not a game

its true, reach killed jalo

astounding how this kino still filters degenerate zoomers four years later

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Just picked it up on steam sale. I went off road on the very first trail just to see what happened. Within 30 seconds of riding into the woods I got a giant red "FAILED" message and the game froze, can't restart the mission without literally ctrl-alt-deleting out of the game.

Guess I'll stay on the trails from now on. Opening cutscene was pretty kino desu, and the game looks nice on my 3080ti.

No way fag. It's on the same tier as GTA V, a technical marvel but flawed.

appropriate phrasing, since it's a movie.


You're right, should be 11/10

Based and true