What's the novel thing about your game idea

What's the novel thing about your game idea

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My game idea was literally just Starfield

>What's the novel thing about your game idea
It's good

I've got a ton of ideas ranging from arcade games to much bigger ones, none will ever be made but it's nice to dream
I have this dream game of a single boss fight and nothing else, it takes place in a ruined cathedral with this equine bipedal monster
what separates it from other games is that it has an extreme amount of detail in animations and variety in how it fights, how you can interact with the environment and everything
so basically instead of the boss doing ~6 moves and swinging at you all the time like in a Souls game, it could pick you up and throw you into about 30 different places and they'd all have their own unique animations and effects and everything, and that's just counting throws
the core idea is just to take a boss fight and stretch it as far as it can reasonably go, until you have this ridiculously in-depth fight that's different every single time you fight it
painfully difficult to beat, 'unfair' but that's kind of the point, it's more of a simulation of what it would be like to actually fight a monster (unfair and challenging), it's not a hero simulator
besides that, it wouldn't have a single UI element, no main menu, no credits, nothing
TL;DR: Alien Soldier or Punch-Out but every boss is condensed into one very fleshed out boss

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it's good instead of bad

None, it’s just carried by half-decent gameplay and having characters that appeal to coomers while at the same time playing itself completely straight

I always wanted to do what BF2042 tried to do with its Portal thing, but I want players to have access to every piece of /k/ clothing, gear, equipment, weapon, etc in history. You could have nazi soldiers wearing Teutonic crusader helmets armed with G3 rifles against British redcoats strapped with AKs being dropped in via a Huey.

>co-op action RPG (pso/monhun/drg/etc)
>moderately robust character creation
>6 different classes, 3 different races with actual (slight) differences between the races stats/abilities that allows for further build diversity and customization (like pso ep 1+2)
>no "holy trinity" roles, some classes will be better suited for different things but all classes will be viable for solo play
>rare enemies with unique models for every enemy type, including bosses and RNG based events
>different difficulty modes with different rewards, highest tier difficulty has all new enemy and environment models with exclusive RNG events only able to happen on highest difficulty
>procedurally generated maps, different areas will be available on a rotation (like deep rock galactic)
>no loot, each class has 2-3 weapons that will have skill trees to allow for customization. All "loot" will either be cosmetics or materials for crafting(also deep rock galactic)
>deep companion raising system (similar to mags/chao)
>"lobbys" will be the players ship, which can be customized, i.e. player housing
not necessarily "novel" ideas, just a unique combination of ideas, mechanics and systems that have never been done all in one game before

Third person action mobility fighter.
The entire gimmick is you attack by throwing a bouncy ball at enemies weak points and the entire game revolves around getting it back to throw again, your only other move being a double jump and a dash. Not picking up the ball will have it auto recall after a cool down
>Upgrades to recall the ball, but dashing through it to pick it up still refunds it's cooldown entirely. So timing it to drop the ball right before it gets to you is rewarded
>Ball parries, if you hit an enemy with it at the apex of their attack it will launch the ball screaming back towards you and if you catch it you can hit it back immedietly after for even more damage
>Upgrades to swap places with your ball
>Upgrade to spawn a shadow clone that mimicks the last movie you did with your ball with its own shadow ball before disappearing
>Or a shadow clone that will catch your ball and pass it back to you while you flank enemies with shields

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Laparoscopy simulator

It's about American mythology and folklore and isn't just a weird west aesthetic


I want what cannot ever be again.

The pre 2010 mmo era.

A collectathon but 2D

Actually sounds rad as fuck.

None of these ideas are novel, concise, and refined enough to win anyone over in an elevator pitch or a trailer, they're fine on their own but they'd never make it in the current market

When I think about it, it would take too much time to actually implement and there are various spots in which you could actually break the game unintentially through playing regularly. Hence why a lot of developers often cut alternate routes and simplify multiple endings.

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in what way isn't ?
it's just 'a single boss fight with enough moves and complexity to be dozens of bosses'
I've yet to see a game that is one single boss fight and nothing else, too

Lesbian harem with magic lesbian pregnancy rune factory clone with cyberconnect2 fights sometimes.

unpredictable bizzare humor.
I also don't know of many super punchout likes, and I'm doing it quite differently, a fighting game and boss rush hybrid(if it ever comes out..)

>a fighting game and boss rush hybrid
Warzard / Red Earth

injun kino or paul bunyan, sasquatch and ogopogo type shit?

Stealing this idea.

The idea itself is cool, but the pitch should be a catchy 1-2 sentence summation that would get the attention of even the most retarded normie exec or trailer watcher you would have the misfortune of selling it to, but I think also as a concept it's too niche for wide appeal unless you went with some crazy unique art style.

Think how Todd markets his games
>living radiant AI
>300 endings
>infinite quests
>you can climb that mountain
>1000 planets
then try to apply the same logic to a gameplay principle from your idea, something succinct like "100 different ways to fight the boss"

I'll check them out as reference, thanks

You retards stop telling other anons all your ideas or they might steal them. This is why I wont be sharing anything about my game until Its basically done and I can trademark or copy write or whatever the fuck.

If you have good ideas do not fucking share them to strangers on the internet.

How will you even know? I always just assume they deserve it more since they actually were able to turn it into something real.

but user I can't make a game becuase I can't do it solo because theres no universe in which I can art AND music.

If only making games were so easy that it'd be viable to steal other people's ideas

>get attention of exec
execs don't know shit about what makes games good or what potential is out there. Licking boot and tailoring/restricting your ideas to corpos for funding/buyouts is nothing but a pipedream. We live in an age where indies have more power than ever, hell you don't even need a publisher anymore if you are savvy and determined enough. But go ahead, keep on dreaming your dream that will do nothing but make someone else profit.